-1: confinement

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John gripped his chest tight as he wheezed in his Diamond prison, his fingernail beds going a glittery translucent as he heard the purple themed witch come back with her best friend named Ritz. John let his blood boil as they came in giggling as if they were walking on sunshine and roses while he was on his knees struggling for breath.

This duo of best friends who itched for stardom had kidnapped him after he had asked the kids for directions to pop village, wanting to see his baby brother Branch again but decided to snag him instead with Ritz saying that trolls have certain effects on other species like the Bergen's for their happiness.

However Kid was only going through with it to boost his ratings for his little online segment on his wannabe late night talk show called Bop on top, Ritz had forced him to watch an episode so he could get feedback on it, John barely was able to keep his eyes open at the boring monotonous droning voice of Ritz before the mid aged teenager got viscously annoyed and shook his prison until he cried begging him to stop before the blonde teenager placed him down on the table telling him that he'd do it again if he caught John nodding off.

From what he was able to gather from his forced watchings was it was a bit like a interview and Ritz continued on in keeping him confined hoping to gain access to more celebrities for his interviews to climb his way to the top.

Orchid on the other hand was trying to get her little crush to notice her, John briefly heard the girls name a few times but his headache and growling stomach bothered him into a dizziness that made him completely blank out on her name at the current moment in time. The over pungent scent of cinnamon in the once full of perfume bottle that had an amazingly unwelcome place in his nostrils while it's strength was sending him into a blinding headache.

"Ugg my voice sucked Ritz! Velvet's never going to notice me at this rate!" That's her name John bitterly thought, Velvet Verdanza; the apple of Orchid's eye the reason why she had kidnapped him approximately two months ago, wanting to boost herself in The highest position in Mount Rageous besides being in the fashion industry; a musician/Pop star.

If John got his math right, Fashion and modeling along with acting were a profession held by the best of the best and are practically treated like royalty amongst the extremely technologically advanced society, then it was Pop stars and idols that were also held up on the same glittery golden platter.

But John hummed as he struggled to remember all the bits of the mountains with their interlocked cities all meshed into one conglomerated mess. Mount Rageous was indeed on top of a mountain with the bitter chill that John can still feel despite the blaring heat but it was about 5 cities meshed into one, but distant and far enough to consider themselves 5 separate cities.

The main land or the common ground of Mount Rageous was Perlamore: it is also known as the suburbs or where most of the usual Rageons lived, it was the largest city right in the heart of the mountains and had high schools, dentists offices and other typical buildings that one would find in a functional city. It was where John had gotten kidnapped as he gotten distracted by the glittery pavement that sparkled like silver due to the rain the night before.

Then a little down ways was the city of Crystalia: this was/ is where places like the Rage dome along with recording studios, lights, glitz and glam were along with the shopping malls and makeup boutiques along with clothing stores. Where the fashionistas come to model and blow up the charts along with Pop stars singing their next hits in their glamorous manors.

That's where Ritz and Orchid lived now instead of the suburbs due to their skyrocketing fame from using his essence to give them an artificial boost. Orchid could sing beautifully with his talent and Ritz chirped and had a higher boost in energy for his talk shows that certainly upped his views getting him a slot on regular nighttime television.

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