11- Tensions rise over dinner

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Dinner took a bit longer due to Orchid and Floyd's spat that ended up screwing up the timing, so Veneer had taken over the preparations and had Crimp help him prepare both the puffalo for Floyd and the Zenthour for him and the children.

Zenthour was an animal that also thrived in Mount Rageous, however unlike the Nocturna and Emeraldina beetles that lived in the forests of Opaluno, the Zenthour lived in the suburban area of Perlamore: it was a medium-sized mammal that's body was the cross bred mixture of a rabbit and a small antelope. It stood about 3 and a half feet tall at the shoulder and has a lithe, agile body covered in short, sleek fur that ranges in color from dark brown to charcoal gray, blending into the nights in the suburbs.

The bizarre animal was used for many of Mount Rageous's staple culinary dishes since they were as plentiful as weeds in an unattended garden due to their resilience towards the cold and it's meat which was soft and fell apart, the best comparison that Veneer could compare to was the Boppers version of meat called Chicken. But as the dinner was finished with one portion for Floyd and 8 portions for the rest of them, tensions were certainly high.

Everyone was seated around the table, Veneer of course sitting at the head of the table with a shrunken down Floyd to his left who sat at his own miniature table that Veneer had custom made for him and Gabriel to his right, Ritz sat next to Floyd and the blonde haired Rageon had Velvet on the other side of him followed by Rosethorne.

On the opposite side of the table across from Floyd was his son with Orchid right beside him glaring daggers at the troll as Veneer had purposely set up the table like this, his two hybrid children with their troll father always in her direct line of sight, with his daughter who she fancied right beside her best friend.

Lily was eager from her spot besides Orchid as Crimp served every one a piece including not only herself but a Floyd a piece.

Orchid felt her eye twitch especially as Crimp hummed from her spot in the chair between Veneer and Floyd; a spot she could've easily had, however Veneer plotted to make sure she didn't obtain it as Veneer made the children take their places while Orchid and Floyd threw slurs at each other like hissing vipers.

Veneer felt himself becoming more petty as now that his brother in law was safe from the teenagers and the she demon had the nerve to throw offensive lines. He was now grateful that he had taught Floyd some of their slurs and how to properly insult a Rageon as he definitely let those pregnancy hormones run rampant.

Veneer decided that as Floyd started to inhale his recent craving not eager to engage with the girl after their pissing match in the kitchen, he was going comment about her bigotry right in front of his eldest daughter, the one who she had a glaringly obvious crush on.

"Orchid are you okay?" Veneer saw how the girl silently fumed at his condescending tone and Orchid of course playing the innocent angel vocalized her answer of 'yes i'm fine' before Veneer smirked and snarked back with a,

"I'm sorry it's just, I noticed that you look uncomfortable... Do my children make you uncomfortable?" Orchid could feel her organs twisting into nooses as Veneer backed her entirely into a corner where she would have to try her hardest to keep her act afloat or let it all fall apart. Right in front of Velvet who completely ignored her instead focusing her attention on her father.

"The only thing right now making me uncomfortable is her busted face." Veneer choked on his water along with their childen all staring at their miniature father who just kept cutting at his puffalo before placing the cut piece of meat into his mouth.

"there's no need to be so harsh. Just because you're jealous of my natural beauty doesn't mean you have to insult it." Ritz could feel himself trying so hard not to squeal as Orchid was only digging her grave deeper as Floyd stopped chewing and placed his utensils down before snarking back with a,

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