4- Embarking on a quest

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Branch sat in his grandma's recliner listening to the repeated chorus of Brozone's final song they ever performed, his mind wondering as he remembered how it all crashed and burned in boiling hot flames.

How all of his brothers were tangled in those flashing lights and John decided to scream at everyone for the massive screw up that only occurred due to his ego and selfish ways afterwards when they got home.

As much as Branch hated to say it but he missed John, the way John used to rock him to sleep, change his diapers and read him bedtime stories on his restless nights; he was just sad and a bit resentful as John let his dreams of grandeur get the better of him and he had driven everyone away from not only him but each other to the point where no one wanted to contact each other.

For 20 whole years, radio silence from all of his brothers.

Branch sniffled as the record re-scratched to restart the song all over again, he especially misses Floyd. Floyd was his rock and metaphorical protector throughout John's reign over their famous celebrity family, he even recalled how Floyd used to rock him too cooing as he called him his baby.

Floyd was like his secondary parental figure after John during his short duration in this life and took care of him like such. Branch quirked his mouth at how Floyd used to lay Branch in his bassinet that his older brother had purposely rolled into his pink themed bedroom and pretended to eat his feet making baby him squeal in laughter while his big brother giggled out a 'nom nom nom'.

He loved being with Floyd and John, Floyd held his hands while he walked for the first time catching him a few times before he had gotten the hang of his wonky waddles and John was there to videotape his first words along with his first song. Floyd had taken Branch to see puffalos and the other animals in the troll tree while John had have him a frosted perm.

Those two were the overarching figures in his life as they creating their own contrast with him Floyd was sensitive and thoughtful, John was strict and callous. Bruce and Clay did spend time with him when they were available however both of the late teenagers were more focused on themselves with finding out who they were, especially with John's overwhelming amount of pressure he placed on them.

But Floyd never cracked under the pressure especially with a new little brother to take care of, Floyd even took up the task of caring for him when John let the fame slowly swell up his delusions.

Branch was positive that he was the reason why Floyd wanted children of his own one day, especially as his parental calming nature came fluidly like breathing to him with how he used to heat up Branch's bottles and cuddled him when he cried in the middle of the night when John was out like a light from their vigorous performances.

The navy blue haired troll closed his eyes and evoked the memory of his two technical parents clashing during that infamous last concert; his first one ever.

John was pacing making sure everything was perfect, his temper was thin and his voice snippy, Branch could feel his nerves set aflame as he looked at the loud screaming audience tears bubbling in his big sky blue eyes as Floyd sauntered into the scene, his magenta hair up and was wearing a fuzzy white earring on his left ear and a matching white spaghetti strap jumpsuit with white flats on his feet and a magenta vest.

His purple eyes that were lined with white eyeliner were squinted with displeasure as he noticed how John's nitpicking was driving Branch into being a nervous wreck.

'Bro, you look stressed. Breathe.' Floyd tried to soothe John while mimicking a deep breath while Branch nervously glanced between the crowd and his two technical parents as they were clashing.

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