6- Finding Bruce

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"Branch look!" Poppy cried out pointing towards the sunset, a massive sign that says 'Bruce and sons' on the horizon, Branch sighed as it only took a few days for Cherry to lead them there. His worry for John gnawing at him, especially since the longer they took, the longer John would be in the two teenagers grasps.

Now as they finally approached Branch sat there completely bamboozled about how he was even able to bring this up to Spruce, or Bruce as the sign mentioned, would he even forgive John long enough to save him? Branch hoped so after all they were brothers weren't they.

Poppy was the first one to exit the bus, letting her cherry blossom feet dig into the grainy almost bead like sand as the ginormous muppet like beings played in the sun, volleyball and surfing. Poppy's eyes grew wide along with Branch as he hastily followed her cooing in awe at the stunning sunset that almost appeared picturesque with It's splashes of purples, oranges, reds and golds.

"Branch look!" Upon Poppy's cry, Branch glanced to where she had pointed her glittery pink nail at to see his older brother surfing in the crystal bead like waves singing along with the floating volleyball like creature,

"♪ Smooth, Sailing Takes me away, To where I've always heard It could be~ ♪" both trolls mouths were set in a duo of small o shapes as Bruce whipped his long violet mane around as he slid into the restaurant doors from the seismic wave.

"Heartthrob huh? I can totally see that." Poppy dreamily sighed as she placed her cheek in her hand at the sight of his slightly chubbier figure finding so much more appealing than his boy band days especially with that patch of violet chest hair.

"Poppy!" Branch brought his girlfriend back from her daydreaming with her pink irises meeting his blue. The lovers sat in a moment of silence before Branch and Poppy nodded, hastily making their way into the restaurant, their feet now padding against wet ceramic tiles as they shuffled closer to Bruce, who was now walking along the bar,

"Running drinks to the back twotop. Lenny! Seaweed floats are almost out." Bruce called out in a sharp commanding tone before chilling his tone down to a relaxed vibe to the Vaycationer reminding him that his favorite menu item was about to run out with the corresponding Vaycationer called back out to him with a,

"Thanks, boss." They were losing him in the crowd of fuzzy bodies as he kept walking on completely ignoring the couple that was hastily trying to gain his attention,

"Hey, Spruce! Spruce! Hey! HEY!" Poppy tried calling out to him, her voice growing increasingly annoyed as he just kept on ignoring her and but grew excited as he stopped only to tell her,

"Specials are on the back. Don't order the clams. Don't ask why." The troll queen felt a growing rage as he just kept moving forward calling out to his customers once more, taking their orders flawlessly as he cooly chirped,

"Fricassee squid and one jellyfish slider." Poppy hummed stopping her miniature rage as she could totally go for a jellyfish slider right about now, so maybe when Branch and all his brothers are reunited she could try the unique cuisine of this strange and glorious place.

However right now she had to help Branch get his brothers together and save John. That was the highlight of their mission in the first place.

"Spruce, wait." Branch tried to gain his brother's attention only for the older lilac haired troll to completely make a full stop, sighing as he pinched his nose before addressing the two of them,

"Oh, no. I knew this would happen one day. Listen, I know you recognize me from BroZone, and I'm happy to give you an autograph or whatever. But can you please be discreet about it?" Bruce tried to keep his chilled exterior but failed at it spectacularly especially after how it had effected him along with their other brothers.

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