Love through the lens of experience

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Love through the lens of experience

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading my first book!

Some of the things that happened in the story actually happened to me. So, here's what I learned about love for all you amazing girlies out there (and anyone else who wants to listen!):

Don't rush love. It'll find you when it's meant to be. At first, I didn't believe in this, but since I fell in love, I've learned it the hard way.

Love yourself first. You're awesome, so don't let anyone make you feel bad and also you can't truly love someone if you're unsure with yourself.

Insecurity hurts. If you're not happy or your partner isn't happy, maybe it's not the right person for you. Don't be with someone who makes you or them doubt the relationship.

Grow together, or grow alone. Relationships can change, so be open to both growing together and as individuals.

Trust is the key. Believe in your partner most of the time (like 99%). Doubting is okay, but trust is key to have a good relationship.

Past pain can heal. If you've been hurt before, don't give up on love. The right person will come along when the time is right. 💗

Red String Theory: Do you believe we're destined for someone? Because I do. Maybe it's like we're all meant to meet certain people in life. But those connections can change too. Sometimes you meet someone you knew before, or someone new feels just right. It's like the connection gets stronger with the right person and weaker with others.

Once again, thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed this journey with Asharri & Sky as much as I did creating it. If you have any favorite moments or characters, I'd love to hear about them in the comments! 

Asharri Via Gabriel & Sky Xavi Villarin

signing off

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