EPISODE 3: The Promening

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(A/N: I know I haven't made a new Chapter for a bit, but, I'm back and am making another Chapter. I do plan on doing a small Sub Chapter, dedicated to Uzi x Y/N, but then again, that's for later, as I need a time where the time fits for me to make that chapter, like Timeline wise, because thinking of it in the long term, The relationship between Uzi and Y/N might be difficult to write the story with that there, so I will need to pick an Episode/Chapter for the Confession and/or Wholesome moment.

I would love your opinions between which Episodes/Chapters I should do the Confession/Wholesome moment thingy. So leave your suggestions here!

But anyways with that apology out of the way, enjoy the Chapter!)

(The Scene opens up, Inside the Colony. A line of text made out of Letter and Number balloons)

The balloon text, inside the unknown building/area currently says: "PROM 3071" possibly referring to the Year the Prom is taking place, as suddenly the lights turn off, one by one, in an area that looks like a stage, with the Stage Light turning off as well.

The scene then changes to an eerily dark hallway inside the colony, lights lightly flickering on and off. As the camera cuts to a Pinned Paper on a Time Board or something, With it being revealed they are missing workers...

Suddenly whimpering and panting was heard as a worker drone girl, with glasses seems to be running away from something. She then trips, lightly loosing her footing before supporting herself off of a Locker, continuing to run as her glasses suddenly shatter with a red flash coming from it. The girl stops in her tracks in fright as the shards were sparking and creating, red, electric arcs from each other (which theoretically speaking shouldn't work, as glass only has a very low, if any electric conductivity to create arcs and sparks)

Her eyes are wide open with her slowly taking off her broken glasses in worry, as it turns out, robots have eye problems like normal humans do, as she tries to calibrate her optical sensors. She looks down from her glasses to Infront of her which is all blurry, as the light suddenly flickers with an odd, humanoid figure standing under it.

The robot girl squints her eyes to try and see who it was as she puts her glasses back on, with no one being there supposedly, as suddenly one of the security cameras get turned 180° in a way to avoid whatever is coming for her. She then looks forward to see the one who has been trying to kill her... it was Doll, with her left eye as the Solver. She then makes her fingers into a triangle like formation and closes it and then opens her palm as a red Solver Symbol appears. She points it at the Girl, aiming it at her arm as she uses the Solver to pull on it.. ripping the girl's arm off as she screams in pain. Holding to where her arm used to be in pain.

Doll then suddenly pulls out a cleaver from bum fuck nowhere and uses the solver to duplicate it as 2 more cleavers appear, making a total of 3 cleavers. She then launches the cleavers towards the girl... Killing her..

The scene changes again. Robotic bugs as they fight to drink the oil that's on the ground. When Doll steps into the area, crushing the bug with her feet.

She then uses the Solver to sort out the books in her bag, onto a bookshelf. She then grabs a pen and crosses a name off of a list... as it is revealed, the list has names of Prom Queen, candidates 

She then looks at her bag, An Oily had sticking out with Oil dripping from her bag

Doll: "Мам, пап. Я вернулся." (Mom, Dad. I'm Back)

The scene then changes AGAIN with a screen glitching showing a flashback

Uzi: "What... are you things?"

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