EPISODE 0: Introduction/Prolouge

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Slight A/N: This is Basically the Backstory of how you ended up in Copper 9, since Its good if we have a bit of dad- I MEAN Character Lore...

Anyways ENJOY!

Trigger Warning: Swearing


Narrator POV:

You were always a fan of designing and Engineering, you lived near a Junk Yard that is owned by JC Jenson and their sister company JC Jenson (IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE), since the Junkyard was mostly, if not completely unguarded which means you basically had no chance of being caught and even if they saw you, your Agility would prove to be useful in those situations.

In a Garage you had there was your Dad's Workshop Tools, since he used to Engineer with Cars and Vehicles. He never was bothered to be mad at you when you used them since he was happy you were doing something you were enjoying. Basically the Garage is your Garage since you mostly spend your time in there, because your Parents were mostly hard at work and couldn't pay much attention to you, but you loved them nonetheless, they cared and supported you anyway possible. Although, this might not last much longer...

(The Camera pans to a Fairley sizable garage with multiple tools and a young man that looks around the age of 15-17 is inside with Engineer/Mechanic like Clothing)

???: "God, finally I've done it!"

It shows a Makeshift M14SA

The young man turns to check the time, with the Digital Clock sitting on the shelf next to him, and eventually sighs and speaks up

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The young man turns to check the time, with the Digital Clock sitting on the shelf next to him, and eventually sighs and speaks up

???: 'Its already 7:00PM? How long was I working on this?'  He muttered under his breath as he worked non Stop on the Weapon

Suddenly a Woman's Voice was heard

???2: "(Y/N)! Dinner!" The voice yelled

And its revealed the young man's name is (Y/N).

Y/N: "Coming!" He replied while yelling, "Oh shi-" *THUD*

A loud Thud was heard as Y/N tripped on a wrench, luckily he blocked the fall with his right arm, but that doesn't mean his arm is doing ok

Y/N: "FUCK!", he exclaimed

???: "Oh dear, are you okay?", the Woman came to the Garage to check up on Y/N and its revealed that the Woman is his mother.

Y/N: "Yes and No. Yes, since I didn't get a concussion. No because my arm fuckin' hurts."

M/N (Mother's Name): "He let me help you.", she said while reaching out an Arm to help you up, which you accepted.

She helped you up and eventually you stood up and made you way to the Dining room where you quickly went to a Near by First-Aid kit in a drawer, that was in the Adjacent kitchen, and took out a bandage and disinfectant, you proceed to disinfect the bruised and open wound on your right arm, which you take a bit of kitchen roll and put the disinfectant on it and lightly tap it against your wound which you reciprocate by hissing in pain to. 'Shit..' you slightly muttered out of pain.

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