EPISODE 2: Heartbeat

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(A/N: I don't know if I mentioned this previously but I did want to mention that the Outcomes will be slightly different from the Original Murder Drones, yes there still will be deaths and all that. But the Outcomes are different, since Y/N's backstory and just basically how I want "Blood and Tears" to be, but still slightly aligned with the Original Universe.

If you guys want to, I could maybe make a separate book where, this story just FULLY goes a Completely Alternate way, like its an Author Made story, but the Characters are still included from Murder Drones, but I think I wont do it due to how bad I am at story writing but lets just see how this book goes)


???: "We've got to curb her trips to the dump."

A loud Thunder then is heard from outside, and it is revealed N as a Worker Drone butler with him holding a tray table with wine, shot and cocktail glasses are on it

(The Camera then pans to a black silhouette with a glass in his hand, the unknown person is revealed to be James Elliot)

James: "And where is she getting the hair to play dress-up with them? Creepy" He said before throwing a glass up in the air, towards N, which he catches with his tray and then the glasses tip over, miraculously he throws the tray in the air, bows and catches it with all other glasses on it, throwing it to his other hand which, for some reason makes the glasses evenly and nicely stack as he runs off in to a turn. The thunder rumbles again.

N is seen walking around, with the tray and glasses still in hand, he stops and looks outside for a bit where it is revealed they are at the Elliot Manor

N is seen walking around, with the tray and glasses still in hand, he stops and looks outside for a bit where it is revealed they are at the Elliot Manor

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Its raining and thundering outside. The Camera cuts back to N where he turns the corner, looking around in stead of looking where he's going and accidentally bumps into V causing the both of them to fall, the glasses and tray both of the ground

N: "Oh! I-I'm so sorry."

V: "It's okay. I-I wasn't looking."

Both of them reach for the same glass making a spark emerge from the both of their fingertips, they get surprised by this and look at each other slightly blushing and letting a slight gasp out. N was about to say something when the, Bitch, J comes in and kicks N

J: "Move it, moro-" her sentence gets cut off by a Male voice

???: "J!" she turns worriedly to the voice before turning all cutesy 

J: "Hiiiiii, Y/N, Tessa!~", she said before turning a bit disappointed, "Oh, no. Another one?"

The camera then shows the presumed Tessa and Y/N, Tessa is shown as a Black Silhouette and Y/N seems to only have parts of his body shown, but his face completely dark, in a Silhouette like look with small specks of his skin and clothing showing throughout his torso, arms and legs, though its only very little amount. With female robot maid slowly and shyly coming out behind of Y/N

Murder Drones: Blood and Tears (Murder Drones X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now