_Khat; Wedding invites_

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"Evil... I've come here to tell you that she's evil... Most definitely!"



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"Hmm... Columbina, why aren't you in class?"

A certain president of the student council reluctantly asked, with her book in hand.

She herself didn't want to disturb her classmate's beautiful singing, but it was her duty to do so.


The said Damselette turned to the student council president, wearing an innocent smile.

"I was just thinking about how I could burn down this place, have I for some reason disturbed you with my singing?"

'Of course.' The said president thought, the little dove would always have the most unpredictable answers that even the president wouldn't think of.

"My apologies for distributing your singing, but shouldn't you be in class at the moment?"

"Well, remember the time that the teacher gave me a skipping class pass?"

"Oh, well then, enjoy your loss of education for the time being then."

The damselette just went back into thinking, thinking about their third year in this school and the upcoming divine visionaries exam.

And maybe also a certain albino coloured hair with black striped haired lady.

Her train of thoughts were soon interrupted by a certain Sword cane.

"Hello, Columbina."

The person saying that was none than the sword cane, Kaldo Gehenna.

He seriously reminded the little dove of a certain doctor, with his cheery but cunning personality.

Thus, maybe that is why the both of them get along so well.

"I'll be right over!"

She responded with her usual innocent smile, after the said flame cane gave her a cup of coffee, which seems to have more syrup than the coffee itself.

She was met by a ray of light and person teleporting infront of her, whilst she was trying to finish the so called 'coffee'

"Oh? Ryoh? You seem oddly happy today, what happened? Wait, no, didn't you propose to your girlfriend today? By the looks of it, it seems she accepted it."

She immediately guessed, the blonde did seem flashier than usual with that big bright smile on his face, and his aura seemingly glowing like crazy.

"She said "Yes"! I can't believe this, don't tell me I'm dreaming-"

"Wake up to rea-"


The damselette giggled innocently at the glare, of course, she was full of surprises, but the glare died down.

"Figured, so.... When's the wedding? You two were total lovebirds, I didn't even have to use 'Love', and you two acted as if both of you were soulmates."

The damsel snickered, having flashbacks of when she was a first year, and Ryoh's soon-to-be-wife were just teens, always sticking to each other all the time.

"It's tomorrow, and you're invited, I want you to be the ring girl, because you were my wingman back then."

He exclaimed, pointing a finger at the unamused Damsel.

"Perhaps, I could serve as that."

Before the ravenette could turn at the blonde, he had already teleported away, leaving only dusts of gold and a special golden wedding invitation that flew on her hands.

"To : Columbina *********

Dear Miss. Damselette, you have been invited to the wedding of the light cane.

If you could, please do serve as the ring girl,

Your truly, Ryoh Grantz,
Alias, Light cane."

'hm, this'll be interesting.' Though the damsel as she went to her next class, still not finishing the mug that contained mostly syrup.


FYI, I'll be using different or maybe the same writing methods every now and then.

So don't expect me to stick to the same one that often.

Have a nice day!

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