_ Thum ; Angel Cane_

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"Put your hand on my shoulder~"

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"Put your hand on my shoulder~"


"La lala, la, la la, la~"

A girl could be seen, in the last round of the famous divine visionary exam, exeling her final attack towards the enemy.

" Cage of Thrones "

She casted, the opponent, whom was none other than her good friend, Elizabeth Maliphesta.

After a long fight of powerful spells, the Damselette having to wipe off the cover of her second mark covered by makeup.

Though, this spell was cruel, it was needed to become a winner of this duel.

The duel before the throne, where, one would lose and the other would win, that was always the rule in the battlefield.

Poor girl, traumatised for maybe the rest of her life by being inside that cage, but she displayed no emotion whatsoever.

Just, standing there, not a sound could come out of her voice, even after many practices of going through this experience as she had prepared herself for.

It could still not compare to the amount of terrifyingness that it contained.

So, being the wise student that she is, and knowing the risks if she were to stay inside there any longer with those pink eyes staring and taking in her every movement.

She decided to raise the white flag, getting her out of the rings immediately by the ravenette who also had bits of blood in her uniform.

But those weren't hers.

Everyone applauded for the Damsel's
victory, and the victor helping her opponent and helping her injuries with a mere healing spell that her opponent didn't know she possessed.

"You did great."

But Elizabeth could not mutter a word due to what just happened.

Quickly taken to the infirmary as the taruamatised girl could not utter a word and continued to be still in shock.

She felt a presence from behind, not a normal one, but an intimating and powerful one.

"You did great, Columbina."

He said as he hugged her, she returned back the hug with a genuine smile, a rare time to see two of the Madl siblings hugging each other whilst smiling.

Though, Orter's was a bit small, but it was a smile nonetheless.


"Finally, some new first years are joining this school, but none of them seem interesting.

Except that blue haired guy, that redhead and that mushroom headed boy who's working out on the field."

The flame cane, Kaldo Gehenna, said as he was handed a cup mostly of honey and 1% of it being pure black coffee.

"Thank you, Columbina."

"My pleasure,

And you are right, that mushroom head does seem interesting. And I think I know the blue headed guy."

She said as she drank her share of coffee, which happens to be pure evaporated milk with 1% of milk.

"Both of you will get diabetes if you keep drinking those."

The knowledge cane, Sophina Biblia, said as she took a sip of her normal coffee.

"I don't think Claude likes the student very much- did he just command the words to stop without magic?"

The damselette said as she took a sip of her drink.

"That's not normal."

The only thing that could be heard there was a comfortable silence as the damselette sang a song.

" You go down just like holy Mary,

Mary on a~

Mary on a cross~ "

The 'angel' abruptly stopped her singing as she had seen a dove, more precisely, her dove, with a letter in the little letter box in its leg.

The dove landed on her shoulder as she fed it the bird seeds she always keeps with her.

Whilst the bird was eating the seeds on the table, she carefully took the letter and read it.

" To the Angel Cane,

Greetings, Columbina, I've finally arrived at the school and am looking forward to seeing you.

- Lance Crown."

"Hey, what does it say?"

The damselette just showed him the letter and walked off, maybe to find the kid that used to be attached to her when she was welcomed into the family.


Finally got this one done,

I was gonna write like... Columbina being in the Barrett family but the Madl family seemed more interesting.

Have a nice day!

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