_Hnih; Elysian_

165 19 1

(adj). Beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.

"You'll never take us alive~

We swore that death will do is part,
They'll call our crimes a work of art!"

We swore that death will do is part, They'll call our crimes a work of art!"

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Somthing isn't always what it looks like...

The day of the wedding, everyone, Everyone in the school was invited to the beautiful wedding of the Light cane.

The groom patiently waited for the bride with the priest.

The door opened, all eyes were on the white fabric that covered the soon-to-be-wife of the light cane.

Yellow petals were dropped before the bride with the help of magic because they could not find a volunteer for a flower girl.

And besides, that wasn't that manly.

Behind the beautiful groom was a girl, holding up the long white veil worn by the broom.

The audience took in the beauty of both the bride and the bride's maid.

(Without the wings on her head

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(Without the wings on her head.)

Oh, how beautiful the girl was, her white long dress that complimented her innocence.

One that looked like fallen angel from above, even a dead would return from its dead to see this beauty.

Ryoh, whom almost had happy tears in his eyes, looked at the bride with her veil covering her face.

As they got closer, Columbina could feel the proud look that she was reciveing by carrying the bride's veil.

When the bride arrived besides the groom, they couldn't help but exchange glances with love literally in their eyes.

The damselette put down the veil, and 'lo and behold, she walked over to them, her steps being the only source of sound except for the clucking of pigeons in a cage.

She held out two rings on a white pillows, gold.

The couple exchanged their vows, so touching that even most of the audience cried, and finally, they put the rings on each other's fingers.

"I do."

"I do."

Suddenly, Ryoh thought it would be a good idea to take the bride's hand, carry her in a bridal way and kiss her.

Which turned out to be a great one.

The crowd applauded, some emotional ones crying and wiping their tears off their face.

The damselette elegantly clapped, the clouds of cages opening caught her attention and saw doves, flying upwards the air for their freedom.

She looked over at Wahlberg, whom nodded in return.

Walking over the visible part of the venue, she got out her wand.

" Arc "

Her wand, now a beautiful bow, glowed with beauty, catching everyone's attention.

She pointed the arrow, that glowed on the tip with (your favourite colour)

The crowd chanted.

" 3! 2! 1! "

The arrow was released, leaving behind glowing white feathers that dissolved in anything's touch.

The arrow was soon followed by multiple arrows by other people hired to do their job.

But none shone any brighter than the damel's, upon the other reaching the midnight clouds, they all exploded into beautiful fireworks.

But the Damel's however, was last to reach, but worth it as it exploded into many different colours, and a special one.

It turned into a picture of both the newly wedded couple.

Truly a beautiful sight for first years, especially a certain Ames.

That duo-coloured-hair boy's eyes were glistening in admiration of the third year's magic.

Vowing to be as strong as her, and even maybe even love her, though, he notes to himself that he had to earn his keep to do that.

Least to say, that day was spent with pure joy.


Have a nice day!

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