_Li ; Little brother_

158 14 4

(Warning, this is writing style is a bit... Dry.)


Columbina just smiled the whole way to the Magia Lupus door, knocking it short one time and long three times

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Columbina just smiled the whole way to the Magia Lupus door, knocking it short one time and long three times.

The door opened itself to reveal the Magia Lupus just existing, and... Living.

Everyone's eyes were on the Damselette as she got hugged by her little brother, Wirth Madl.

"Big sister, what brings you he—"

Love immediately went to the Damselette and embraced her into a hug, and pushed Wirth to the side.

The little smile the pink haired girl gave to the Madl went unnoticed by Columbina.

"Columbina? What brings you here?"

Said a rather normal Abel as he held his 'mother' whilst looking at the Damselette.

"I just happened to pass by, thought I'd pay my little brother a little visit."

She smiled at Love.

"M-Miss Angel Cane—"

"Call me Columbina."

"Miss C—Columbina, thank you f-for helping me the o-other da—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the cyan haired boy had fainted with a nosebleed.

"... That's normal."

Love said calmly.

"Oh, looks like it's my time to go, bye everyone. And goodbye Wirth."

With that, she left without looking back.

On the way, she encountered her pet dove, which had a letter in the little letter box it had in its left leg.

"Got another letter for me, Pearl?"

With that, the dove landed on her shoulder, once again as she took out the bird seeds and gently took out the letter.

"To The Angel Cane,

          Hello, Dear Damselette, it's me, *******, and I was wondering if you were free to join us to our weekly evening tea party, if you want, ofcourse.

          Be sure to be by 1:00pm if you wanted to drop by, you know where.

                          by, ******* '

'Her inviting me today? What a surprise.'

The damselette thought to herself as she watched the dove flying away, perhaps, to meet its other bird friends.


"Didn't think you'd really drop by, Columbina."

"I didn't think so myself too, Felicia."

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