4 - Kidnapped

47 3 15

Quackity POV

Everything is fuzzy, he can't focus on anything, he feels like he's coming out of being on some sort of sleeping drug. Slowly as his mind clears he opens his eyes slowly sensing light beyond them. He's laid on a bed in a room from what he can tell.

Oh no.

He remembers now, the other assassin shooting him, he checks all his pockets, all his guns and daggers have been removed, his clothes remain the same and his beanie and eyepatch are still on. He doesn't feel any pain like he'd been shot though, that confuses him. There was a gunshot before he crashed and fell unconscious... he's sure of it.

Regaining his sense he immediately reaches for his hidden mic only to discover it is gone. Of course they took it off to remove the tracker. There isn't a window in the room so he has no idea where he is. He slowly looks around eyes landing on the clock, it's 6:13 pm.

He takes a deep breath in and out then starts to check himself for any injuries, pressing in spots and seeing if he feels pain. He can't remember a single thing about being kidnapped mentioned in his training.

Once he's sure he's not injured anywhere he gets up to test how badly drugged he was. He only sways for a moment.

Ok... probably just a simple sleeping drug to keep me knocked out.

He slowly walks around the room then fluffs his hair out from under his beanie. Doing the next best thing he walks over to the room door trying to open it. Locked, obviously. He tries to think of a motive the other assassin would have had to get his agency to kidnap him.

1. He is a good sniper and very skilled.
2. Info about other agencies.
3. To copy his weapons for their agency's use.
4. So that he couldn't assassinate him.

It's a pretty good list of reasons. God he shouldn't have been so stupid! Shoulda shot that other assassin right there.

Why didn't I?

I dunno because he was handsome or something?

Ugh you're such a fu-king idiot!

He rests his head against the locked door listening outside it. Nothing. He paces the room slowly then belines for what appears to be the bathroom. It's rather expensive looking, this agency must have good funding.

He notes stuff as he looks around at everything in there, still no window or vent he could use to escape. All the sudden he hears the door in the main room click. He walks back out there seeing the other man he had spared stepping into the room.

Quackity scans him over, he has a gun, and it looks like a pretty nice one this time. He watches the other assasin close the door behind him and it clicks again. He's trapped himself in here as well?

"Hey" he says acting casual.

"Hey" Quackity replies giving him a loathing glare.

"I'll explain in a sec but how are you feeling" the taller male asks, "physically not emotionally."

"Not much, a little numb but that's it" Quackity tells him, "what, you trying to poison me?"

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you" the other assassin actually looks serious.

Oh shit.

This man is a completely different personality then before. Quackity figures he better tread lightly now.

"Why did you lock yourself in?" he asks keeping distance from the other assassin, and the gun.

Close range, fires quickly, pretty silent, easy to press trigger. He observes the gun. Probably kills in a few seconds if hit the right spot.

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