1 - Headshot

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Wilbur POV

He slips into the alleyway, hand hovering at the side of his dark trench coat where one of his guns is hidden. He squints up at the house looming past the alleyway, fancy. Nice big glass windows on the top floor and of course a balcony, classic rich person house. Except this person isn't just rich, he's also dangerous.

The commander had told him he wasn't supposed to do this mission alone. The last few times he has had a bad time getting out of the scene without anyone seeing him. But he's confident he can do the job for this one himself. A simple bullet through the head should do the trick.

He runs his hand through his fluffy brown hair cursing as he remembers he was supposed to dye the white streak to match, anything that stands out could give the public an idea of what he looks like. Even though the agency has stolen his ID and any other personal things from there already using hacking techniques to make it seem like he's dead or just never existed at all.

Movement changes his focus and he tilts his head up to stare through the big glass windows of the top floor, the man is up there now, slipping some money in a drawer it seems. Wilbur observes him for a moment, tall muscled and tan skinned, very white blonde hair in a little ponytail. He dresses rich and like a gangster too. Definitely the target.

He puts his hand to his mic, pressing the small button in so he can talk.

"I got him in my sights."

There's a little bit of static,

"Sure you got this? We can send backup" the operator's voice comes through.

Wilbur sticks out his tongue slightly scowling a little bit, of course they don't believe in him. Always the messy getaways,

"I got this one" he replies.

There's muffled talking over the mic, the operator and the others talking softly, Wilbur hopes he isn't talking to the commander.

"I'm heading up" Wilbur says not waiting for them to say anything else. He turns off his mic and slowly makes his way down the ally passing a good hiding spot behind a corner, he notes it for later. There's some graffiti on the walls, typical sort of thing in city area. The target hasn't moved from his spot, he appears to be sipping something, perhaps wine...

Wilbur climbs over the edge of the alley wall, hopping the gate he makes his way up the expensive looking steps to the deck, he has to make sure he's not seen through those glass windows.

Skyler POV

He could have sworn he heard a footstep. He has known something seemed off tonight...

He sets his wine glass down on the table by the couch, he slips over to look at his security cams, sure enough someone is creeping up the stairs onto his deck, rather unprofessional he notes.

He strides over to his desk opening the drawer next to the one where a lot of money and his ID is stashed, he pulls out a shiny gun, he checks that there's still bullets in it.

How funny would it be, the intended target killing the assasin.

He grins to himself and hides the gun picking up his wine glass again pretending to be preoccupied, his golden orange eyes glancing over at the deck door every so often.

Wilbur POV

He slowly slides open the door to the upper floor of the house, the figure still hasn't turned yet, that's a little strange...

He pulls out his gun from the inside of his trench coat, close range and a quick shot, should be silent enough too.

As he slowly begins to approach the gun held the target slowly puts the wine glass down. He suddenly snaps around a gun held in his hands instead of the wine glass Wilbur had seen moments ago.

"Why are you in my house" he asks coldly.

Oh shi...

Wilbur pauses where he is by the door his gun still raised, he eyes the others weapon figuring it could hit him and he'd be dead as well if he even thought about shooting right now.

"Uh I'm just hanging out what are you doing?" he pretends to act casual grinning at the target, he then quick moves to the side shooting.


The wine glass set on the table shatters as the bullet goes through it as the target dodges.

Oh shit he can dodge, that means he must be able to shoot.

Wilbur starts to back twords the door then sprints back down the deck stairs, a gunshot ringing out after him. He leaps over the alleyway wall his legs flashing in pain as he lands.
He runs down to the end of the alleyway pausing to catch his breath, but the target isn't close behind still holding his gun.

Wilbur turns his mic on quickly.

"I need backup ASAP!"

There's nothing but static on the other end and he curses to himself checking his bullets.

"Hello? Operator?" he asks.

The figure is approaching him gun ready.

"Hands up or I'll shoot."

Wilbur drops his gun quickly putting his hands up as he notices the man's cold killer sort os gaze and the gun pointed straight at his heart.

Shit shit shit how did I manage to screw up this bad!

All the sudden a gunshot rings out, Wilbur barely has time to look before the bullet smashes right through the target's head sending a spray of blood out. He only is standing for another moment before toppling to the ground the gun slipping from his fingers.


Wilbur's breath is coming in gasps, he's never seen that accurate of a shot on the sniping team at his agency. And they would have notified him that backup was coming wouldn't they.

He feels a course of fear go through him as he scans the direction he thinks the shot came from, the rooftops to the left. He sees a flash of something there as whoever it is ducks down below the edge of the flat roof.

Wilbur keeps scanning the rooftop then realizes he should probably grab his gun and get out of here fast, he can't waste time figuring out who saved him, guess they had the same target or something.

He reaches down to get his gun ignoring the body of his target laying there, a mission done is a mission done. But as he picks up his gun and straightens he feels a shiver go down his spine.

Someone's there.

"Don't move or I shoot." a cold voice says from behind him.

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