7.0: Enough? No. (Requested)

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A/N: this is bad bc I forgot how to write (it's 2 am and I finished this in an hour yayyy)
TWs: ED, mentions of ED.
Prompt: "lover gets jealous bc rep's getting close with a girl who has the perfect body and she is afraid she won't be enough for rep and lover gets a bad ED"
Idk if this is exactly what the words were but yea.

In the vibrant cityscape where the days were bathed in the golden hues of the sun and the nights sparkled with city lights, Reputation and Lover had built a life together over three beautiful years. Their relationship was a symphony of mutual respect, shared dreams, and countless cherished moments. They were each other's safe haven.

However, shadows began to creep into Lover's mind when Reputation started hanging out with Eliza, a girl with a seemingly perfect body and an air of effortless charm. At first, it was innocent enough—Eliza was a new friend, someone who made Rep laugh and seemed to understand her in ways that made Lover uncomfortable. It wasn't long before the seed of insecurity planted itself deep in Lover's heart.

Reputation would often talk about Eliza's amazing workouts or how she knew all the latest fashion trends. Lover tried to be supportive, but each mention felt like a dagger, reinforcing the notion that she wasn't enough. Her insecurities began to consume her thoughts, leading her down a dark and perilous path.


Lover's struggle began subtly. She started to skip meals, telling herself it was just to shed a few pounds. But as days turned into weeks, the hunger morphed into a twisted sense of control, a way to numb the constant fear that Rep might find Eliza more attractive, more worthy.

One evening, after another day of forcing herself to avoid food, Lover stood in front of the mirror, scrutinizing her reflection. She could see her ribs more prominently now, her cheeks a bit more hollow. The voice in her head was relentless:

You're still not good enough. You'll never be her.

Reputation was too busy with work and her social circles, including Eliza, to notice the changes at first. She assumed Lover was just stressed or tired. The distance grew, with Lover sinking deeper into her self-imposed isolation, and Reputation oblivious to the turmoil brewing within the woman she loved.


One Sunday morning, Reputation suggested they go for a walk in the park. Lover agreed, hoping the fresh air might clear her clouded mind. But halfway through their stroll, Lover felt the world tilt and darken. Her knees buckled, and she collapsed onto the grass.

"Love? Oh my God, are you okay?" Reputation's voice was frantic as she knelt beside her, panic etched across her face.

Lover's vision blurred, but she managed to nod weakly. "I'm fine, just... just dizzy."

Rep helped her to her feet, her concern deepening. "We're going home. Now."


Back at their apartment, Rep guided Lover to the kitchen. "You need to eat something," she said firmly, her worry palpable. She quickly prepared a simple meal, setting it in front of Lover.

"Eat," she commanded gently, sitting across from her.

Lover stared at the plate, her mind a battlefield of voices. You don't deserve this. You'll never be enough. Eliza is perfect, and you're... not. You're nothing.


Reputation reached out, touching her hand. "Lover, please. Talk to me. What's going on?"

Tears welled up in Lover's eyes as she began to eat mechanically, each bite feeling like a betrayal. She couldn't meet rep's gaze, the shame too overwhelming.

Once Lover had eaten enough to satisfy Reputation for the moment, Rep stood up. "I'm going to do the laundry. Please rest."

As soon as the door closed behind Rep, Lover felt an urgent need to rid herself of the food. She dashed upstairs, her heart pounding with anxiety and guilt, and forced herself to throw up.


It wasn't just the moment of purging that terrified Lover; it was the ease with which she had fallen into this pattern. Over the next few weeks, the cycle repeated itself. She ate only when Reputation was watching, and every time Reputation left, Lover would rush to the bathroom, the compulsion to throw up overpowering any semblance of self-control.

The catalyst for her downward spiral had been subtle. It started when rep began spending more time with eliza. The casual mentions of Eliza's fitness and beauty became a soundtrack to Lover's growing insecurities.

One evening, as Lover sat alone in their apartment, she recalled the day Reputation had taken a selfie with Eliza at  the gym. It was an innocent picture, but the sight of them together, smiling and glowing with post-workout endorphins, had sent Lover into a panic. She had locked herself in the bathroom, staring at her reflection with disgust and despair.

The next day, Lover skipped breakfast, then lunch. She told herself it was just for that day, just to regain some control. But one day turned into two, then three, and soon, eating became a rare concession rather than a daily routine. The hunger gnawed at her, but the . sense of control it gave her felt like a bitter reward.


Reputation noticed the changes but misinterpreted them as stress-related. She suggested yoga, more walks, anything to help Lover relax. But Lover's anxiety only worsened, the weight of her secret pulling her deeper into darkness.

One evening, Rep found Lover passed out on the bathroom floor, an empty stomach and a fragile body finally giving way to the relentless abuse.

"Lover!" Reputation's voice broke through the haze, her arms wrapping around her, pulling her into a desperate embrace. "What's happening to you? Please, talk to me."

Through tears and choked sobs, Lover finally confessed. "I'm so scared, Reppy. I'm scared I'll never be enough for you. I can't be like Eliza. I can't compete. She's so.. perfect. I'm.. me. I'm just me."

Rep's eyes widened with realization and horror. "Oh, Lov, you don't have to compete with anyone. You're the one I love. I'm so sorry I didn't see what you were going through. But we're going to get through this. Together."

Rep pulled lover closer into her and whispered her words of assurance, while planting gentle kisses on her temple.

The road to recovery was long and arduous. Reputation stood by Lover's side, supporting her through therapy and doctor visits. She learned to recognize the signs of relapse and helped Lover find healthier ways to cope with her insecurities.

Gradually, the shadows that had loomed over their relationship began to lift. Lover started to rebuild her self-worth, understanding that her value wasn't tied to her appearance or how she compared to others. Reputation became more attentive, ensuring that her love and support were unwavering.

One evening, as they lay in bed, Reputation held Lover close. "You're enough, just as you are. And I'm here for you, always."

Lover nestled into her, feeling the truth of those words seep into her heart. The journey had been painful, but it had also brought them closer, forging a bond stronger than ever before.

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