25 - Once Again

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<Choi Palace>

Seungcheol and Jeonghan walked down the stairs. It was morning and everyone was gathered at the dining table for breakfast, including Jiah, the guest.

Seungcheol intertwined his hand with Jeonghan. The younger flinched slightly at the sudden gesture and looked at him.

Seungcheol gave him an assuring look as both of them approached the table.

All of them sat for the breakfast, having casual talks while trying to avoid the inevitable tension, all together.

After breakfast was over, Ara cleared her throat as Jiah stood by her, "Seungcheol, I- we have to talk to you."


"Just listen, for once." Ara requested.

"Uh- okay." Seungcheol nodded as he began to move forward but immediately felt a tight grip on his biceps.

He looked beside him as he saw Jeonghan clutching on his arm while staring in front with a worried look.

Seungcheol didn't hesitate to press a kiss on his forehead, "Don't worry."

Jeonghan nodded as he let the older go. Everyone scattered here and there as Ara led Seungcheol to her room along with Jiah. The door was closed as the tension in the room increased.

"Seungcheol-" Ara gulped visibly as she looked at Jiah.

"I know who I am." Jiah blurted out.

"Pardon, Miss Park?" Seungcheol raised a brow.

"Kim Hari. Not Miss Park." Jiah corrected him.

"Still, what am I supposed to do?" Seungcheol kept his tone stern.

"Aunt, I told you to tell the truth in front of everyone." Hari started sobbing, "Why are you silent now?"

"Let Seungcheol know it first. He will decide the rest." Ara intervened.

"What is happening?" Seungcheol was confused.

"She came to me yesterday night and told me that she remembers her past life." Ara mumbled, "And she also knows a truth, you don't know and I need to tell you this before she reveals it to everyone else."

"What truth?"

Hari sniffled, "Your mom played with us, Seungcheol."

"Will you keep quiet for a second?" Seungcheol frowned, "What happened mom?"

"The mark- Jeonghan-" Ara didn't know how to formulate the truth.

"Jeonghan what?" Seungcheol's senses perked up.

"The mark that appeared on Jeonghan." Ara inhaled a deep breath, "Was fake."

"WHAT?!!" Seungcheol's eyes widened.

Hari immediately held Seungcheol's arm, "Your parents played with us Seungcheol, they played with our love."

"Solitude." Seungcheol muttered without looking at her.

"What?" Hari scrunched her brows.

"I want to talk to my mom alone." Seungcheol turned towards her, "Leave."

Hari nodded as she left the room with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mom, now will you tell me the truth?" Seungcheol immediately asked.

"Pardon?" Ara frowned.

"The mark thing. Is Hari forcing you to say this?"

"No Seungcheol it's the truth."

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