27 - Yawn

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<Choi Palace>

Jeonghan woke up slowly as the faint sunlight fell over him.

He yawned and found himself alone on the bed. He saw Seungcheol putting on his wrist watch as he was dressed up already.

Jeonghan lazily stood up from the bed and trudged towards his husband. He embraced the older from the back while resting his head against his back.

"Good morning." He mumbled in a low voice.

Seungcheol chuckled as he turned around while keeping the younger in his arms, "You can sleep more."

"Mhmm but you woke up so now it's cold." Jeonghan closed his eyes as he felt content in the older's arms.

Seungcheol felt giddy from inside but soon his smile dropped when he realised about the revelations he had to make to his husband.

His heartbeat raced as the fear of the younger getting heart broken once again because of him, took over his entire soul.

Seungcheol unconsciously tightened his grip around Jeonghan as he kissed his forehead.

"Your embrace is the warmest." Jeonghan muttered.

"You like it?"

"Of course."

"Go freshen up and take a shower, I'll let the staff organise breakfast in our room itself." Seungcheol stated, "Let's spend this morning with just each other."

"But I don't want to go." Jeonghan whined, "I like it here, in your arms."

'Will you like it even after I tell you the truth?'

"Why aren't you replying me?" Jeonghan rested his chin on the older's chest as he looked up.

Seungcheol kissed his forehead, "When you're with me, I've nothing to say."

"Yeah now you'll cover it up with a couple of sweet words. Liar." Jeonghan broke the hug with a chuckle, "I'll go."

Seungcheol nodded as the younger made his way to the bathroom.


"I can't hide the truth from you for my selfishness, Jeonghan. Although it's not practically possible but still, I hope you'll try to understand me and trust me."

Jeonghan returned to the room after getting ready. The breakfast was already organised at the table.

"Smells great." Jeonghan acknowledged as Seungcheol gestured him to join him on the sofa.

Jeonghan chuckled as he snuggled into his embrace.

"I'm blessed to have you so clingy today." Seungcheol joked.

"Even I can't understand why." Jeonghan sighed with contentment.

Seungcheol kissed his forehead, "Let's dig in."

Both of them ate breakfast while teasing each other occasionally. Jeonghan looked really happy with these little moments.

After finishing up, Seungcheol inhaled a deep breath, "Jeonghan, I need to talk to you."

"Yeah, speak." Jeonghan twirled around, reaching the bed and sitting on the edge.

"It's serious." Seungcheol cleared his throat.

Jeonghan let go off his carefree mood and listened cautiously, "Okay?"

Seungcheol strolled forward, kneeling down in front of the older to hold his hands, "Listen to me completely before you decipher anything, promise?"

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