Just Maybe

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Life must go on?

You can do it. Keep fighting. As they said.

But should I really? Sometimes it feels like I'm just going through the motions. Everyone says to keep pushing forward, to stay strong, but what if I'm not strong enough? What if the path I'm on isn't even the right one for me?

Every day feels like a test, and I’m not sure I’m passing. The expectations, the pressures, the constant noise of what I should be doing—it’s overwhelming. They tell me to follow my dreams, but what if I don’t even know what those dreams are? Or worse, what if I have dreams but no way to reach them?

There’s a part of me that wants to stop, to take a break, to just breathe and figure things out. But the world doesn’t stop, and I’m afraid if I pause, I’ll fall behind. Is it worth it to keep going when I’m not even sure where I’m headed?

Maybe life is about more than just fighting and pushing forward. Maybe it’s about finding peace in the chaos, and giving myself permission to not have it all figured out. Maybe it’s okay to not be okay all the time.

Or maybe.. these are all just maybes.

I guess what I really need is a moment to reflect, to understand myself better, and to decide what I truly want, not what others expect from me. And maybe, just maybe, that’s the first step in making life a little less complicated.

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