It's me, hi.

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My boyfriend is the best. He's understanding. He's the kindest, the most caring, and the most amazing human being ever. But sometimes I make him feel upset for no reason.

It's me. I know that the problem is me. I can't help but overthink, to let my insecurities and fears get the best of me. He’s always there, patient and loving, and yet I find myself reacting in ways that hurt him.

I don’t want to push him away, but sometimes it feels like I can't control my emotions. I say things I don’t mean, or I shut down when he tries to help. It’s like there’s a part of me that sabotages the good we have, and I hate that I do this to him.

He deserves better, and I want to be better for him. I want to be the partner he deserves, someone who can match his kindness and understanding. But it’s hard when my own issues cloud my judgment and actions.

I need to work on myself, to understand why I react the way I do, and to find healthier ways to deal with my feelings. I don’t want to keep hurting him, and I don’t want to lose him because of my own flaws.

Maybe admitting this is the first step. I need to communicate more, to let him in on my struggles instead of pushing him away. I need to trust that he loves me, and that together we can work through this.

He’s the best, and I want to be the best for him too.

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