It's Okay To Foget, But Not To Forgive

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It's okay to forget but not to forgive. There are just some traumatic situations in our life that we choose to forget and bury deep inside our soul. Remembering them can bring nightmares to our peaceful nights.

Forgiveness is often seen as a noble and necessary act, but sometimes it’s not that simple. Some wounds run too deep, some betrayals cut too sharply.

Forgetting, or at least trying to, is a way to protect ourselves, to find some semblance of peace. It’s not about denying what happened, but about giving ourselves permission to move on without carrying the burden of pain and resentment.

Certain experiences are so traumatic that revisiting them disrupts our sense of security and well-being. In these cases, it’s understandable that forgiveness feels impossible. It’s not about holding a grudge; it’s about recognizing that some things are too harmful to reconcile with. We have to prioritize our mental and emotional health.

Choosing to forget doesn’t mean we are weak. It means we are choosing to safeguard our peace, to keep our nights free from the shadows of the past. It’s a way to reclaim our lives from those who hurt us, to not let their actions define our present and future.

They say it's not moving on, that we're just denying reality. But who can dictate to us what to do when it’s our life and not theirs? Only we understand the depths of our pain and the lengths we need to go to protect our well-being. No one else can dictate our path to healing because they haven't walked in our shoes.

It’s okay to draw boundaries, to say that some things are unforgivable. We are entitled to our healing process, no matter how long it takes or what form it takes.

By allowing ourselves to forget, we are choosing to protect our peace and ensure that the traumas of the past don’t overshadow the potential of our future.

In the end, it’s about finding what brings us peace and helps us move forward in a way that feels right for us. We owe it to ourselves to live our lives on our own terms, free from the dictates of those who don’t understand our pain.

It’s a journey of self-compassion, recognizing that we deserve to heal in our own time and in our own way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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