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Harry looked at me expectantly, his cup of tea still in his huge hands as he took a sip from it. "Love," He spoke softly, almost as if he were crooning to a baby. "I'm no shrink, but I sure as hell can see past the facade you're putting on right now. Please, let me help."

I watched him, having an internal battle whether or not to spill the beans that I may or may not be some crazy girl who he's welcomed into his humble abode. "Look, I just met you and I don't think it's a good idea." My tone coming off harsher than I had intended it to be.

"C'mon, Vi," He practically whined like he was a five year old. "Love, it's going to come out sooner or later." The words that left Harry's mouth were gentle and filled with nothing but sincere concern as his beautiful green eyes studied me.

Downing the rest of my tea, I sighed. "I don't really know where to start," My voice came out soft and it wavered a little bit at the end.

"Wherever you feel like you should, love." Harry spoke quietly, a huge hand enveloping mine in a comforting gesture.

I chuckled nervously. "Always the charmer now are we, Styles?"

He clucked his tongue, rolling his eyes playfully at me. "Wouldn't you know, sweetheart?" His voice huskier and his accent thicker than usual, I shivered a little bit at this. "And don't change the subject, love."

 "It started out simple enough," I sighed. "The occasional nightmares and voices being heard here and there. This went on for years, getting worse and worse, up to the point that my parents went and got me a shrink." 

Harry's lips twitched downward at the slightest, making me feel like I've already said too much. "I-I think that's enough,"

He tilted his head to one side, but gave me a small smile after a few moments of shared silence. "Some other time then?" Harry's hand only holding mine tighter when when he said those.

I shook my head. "This isn't exactly a one time thing wherein we both sit in the couch and I tell you my entire life story, Styles." My tone was teasing, but I was dead serious. I don't even know why he's so curious in finding out why when he can just pretend nothing's wrong me, like everyone else does.

"Fine by me," Harry smiled sweetly at me, his dimples making adorable little dents in his cheeks. "I'm just a few doors away and I trust that you won't be going anywhere tomorrow, right?"

Quirking an eyebrow, I nodded.

Harry soon engulfed me into a hug, his soft lips leaving a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow then, love. I hope you like tea and chocolates." His warm breath ghosting over my face, making me bite my lower lip in frustration. 

I have no idea what I had just gotten myself into.

it's no secret, dearie
we'll just have to come
and cut you off

find me and you'll see
the truth that lies
behind everything you

1,000 reads !! love u guys and sorry bc i suck and this chapter sucks hahaha

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