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❝it's all in your head

find me

find me

find me

The voices in my head whispered tauntingly, causing me to stir in my sleep.

find me

come closer



I gasped, the words echoing throughout my head. I turned the lamp on the night stand, the room was then washed in a dim light.

"Calm down." I breathed, taking deep breaths, picking up the phone I dialed my shrink's number as I whispered the two words to myself.

"Violet? Is everything okay?" Doctor Amelia yawned.

"They shouted, they shouted. They said 'come closer', I think I'm close, but to what? They-they." I rambled on and on.

She seemed surprised at the progression of my, quote and unquote, condition. "What? Start from the very begging, dear."

I recounted what I had just said, my eyes darting around the room as I spoke, as if something might come out of the shadows.

Doctor Amelia remained silent the entire time I explained what had just happened. "It's amazing," She whispered to herself, after I spoke. "you just moved into the building I suggested?"

I huffed. "Yeah."

"Did you take your medicine before you slept, like I told you to?" Amelia inquired. "Have you been under stress lately?" She began to go on and on about those things should have done.

"Shut up!" I snapped. "Listen, I took my pills before I went to bed. Just tell me what the hell I should do!" I cried out, exasperated.

The static of the phone and breathing were the only things to be heard from my shrink's end of the line. "Perhaps you would like to discuss this in the office?" She finally asked after a minute of silence.

I groaned and just slammed the phone back to where it was. "Fucking shrinks."


My phone rang for the nth time today as I stood there waiting in the corridor for an elevator ride to the lobby.

"Shouldn't you be answering that call?"  A familiar accented voice spoke up from behind me. "Not to be rude, sorry."

I turned to see the guy from yesterday, four hundred eighteen, smiling cockily his dimple prominent, as he stood there. "You aren't going to get that?" He asked.

"It's-" I paused, not really sure how to put it. "it's my shrink, she gets crazy when I don't pick up." I shrugged.

He laughed, his laugh echoed throughout the halls. "That's so ironic, don't you think?" He managed to say in between fits of laughter.

His laugh was so contagious and not to mention that his smile was breathtaking that I couldn't help but crack a smile as well."It is isn't?"

The elevator doors opened. "You're going to your doctor?" He asked me as he pushed the button for the ground level.

"I kinda have to, its scheduled after all" I shrugged as the elevator began to move, the motion making me dizzy.

He studied me with his green eyes for a moment, and just nodded without uttering a word for the rest of the elevator ride down to the lobby.

"See you around, four hundred fifteen." He smiled as he brushed past and headed for the glass doors that led to the busy early morning street that was beginning to fill up with people by the second.

I turned to the doorman. "Hi, if any mail comes for me just leave it here and I'll get it on my way back." I said as he continued to keep his eyes glued on the monitors just behind his desk. 

"Yes, ma'am. Have a wonderful day." He said, a smile on his lips as he finally looked up from the monitors.

"Thanks." I smiled, trying to mask my annoyance and left for my 'appointment'.

The drive to the address I was given was surprisingly short despite the early morning traffic in the streets. It was nice to drive in silence, to not have someone drown me in pointless chatters on and on as I drove through the streets.

My phone rang once more. "Can't I get peace and quiet just for a while?" I groaned, turning my phone off and threw it to the back of the car not caring if it broke or not, that's the least of my problems right now.

The familiar building loomed into sight and I parked my car as near to the door as I possibly can. The office (she prefers that I call it clinic, but it looks more like an office to me) was any other office you'd see when you take a drive, it was just another boring looking building with the same bored people working just to be able to have food on their table.

As soon as I stepped through the doors, the smell of sterile equipment and printer ink wafted through my nostrils, the horrible combination of the smells made my headache even worse. 

"I'm going to see Doctor Amelia." I huffed as I walked past the secretary, just giving him a quick smile and headed to my shrink's office, completely ignoring his protests for me to just wait here until he can be sure that Doctor Amelia is ready to see me. 

I knocked on the door twice and slowly opened it. "Hey, doc, you really shouldn't be calling me every second like my mother." I said, closing the door behind me as she merely glanced up from her laptop.

"I'm sorry, dear. Have a seat." She said as she finally closed her laptop to give me her full, undivided attention. "what did you say you heard earlier this morning?" 

I sighed, but recounted what I had 'heard' earlier this morning to her once more.

hey guys! how are you all doing? 


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