
201 17 4

❝sweetie, calm down. that's much too absurd to have happened❞

She thinks I've gone crazy. She thinks the medicine will actually make me better.

I pushed the doors causing a few other residence jumping back in surprise, I simply made my way  to the elevators as I merely muttered "sorry" under my breath.

Unlocking the door to my apartment I slammed it close earning a few groans or angry shouts from my other neighbors.

"Fuckers" I said, tossing my keys onto the counter. 

The package my mom had sent me was still sitting on the dining table, untouched and begging to be opened already. Curiosity kills. Stepping around the coffee table I made my way to where the package was and stood there. Wondering what the hell was placed in the small box, my hands began to unwrap the Manila paper the small box was wrapped with.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

It contained a note and a small picture of me and my mother back when I was a lot younger.

Dearest Violet,

I heard from your father that you're going to move into that apartment your therapist has recommended for you, and I want to say is I'm proud of you moving far from us with your condition.

I scoffed, she never really cared in the first place.

And I also want to say sorry for how wrong I have been about you.

So fucking wrong. 

Here's a picture of us from when we went to the library downtown, you always loved that place like it was your home. 

We miss you.

Your always loving mother,


I crumpled up the note and threw it straight into the trashcan. What a bunch of bullshit.

But despite my anger and resentment toward my mother, I took the picture and looked at it. The events that day filling my head as my eyes scanned the picture taking in the preserved memory once more, a smile forming on my lips.

Then something odd caught my eye as I looked at picture. At the background, just by the bookshelves was the old man sitting on the bench from the other day, his face turned to the camera as his lips were contorted into one of the most wicked smiles I have ever seen

I let go of the picture, letting it flutter harmlessly onto the ground.

"No." I whispered to myself. 

did u miss me? just kidding no one misses me

i still love u guys though


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