30. Dark Pasts pt. 2

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Two black jeeps raced their way to the Lunar Academy where Nyx was cleaning, not knowing of the commotion going on at the packhouse. They drove coordinated and fast, turning heads from left to right. It wasn't common cars drove with such urgency.

The drivers even honked at people. The Alpha's order was clear – get their Luna as quickly as possible in his office - and they didn't want to disappoint him.

Once arrived, the guards in the second car left and walked up to the building. Several students pointed at them as they marched inside. Their uniforms were a stark difference from the casual wear of the teachers and students. They couldn't be missed.

In a matter of minutes, they found Nyx in the auditorium mopping the floor. She looked up in surprise when she noticed the sound of marching men. Her initial thought was that she had done something wrong, but she hadn't.

As always she stayed to her rigid schedule, from not leaving the house without any reason. She only went to the school, grocery store, and on an occasional run. Her grip on the mop tightened, ready to defend herself.

Or was this about the incident at the school? She asked herself.

"Miss Nyx, you are to come with us," One of the guards spoke up.

"Like hell I am."

"This is not a request."

Nyx scoffed. "Then what is it, the reason of this order?"

"I do not know, now, if you would please follow me."

"No, I would not," She spat. "I have done nothing wrong according to the rules I had to follow."

"I am only going to ask you once more. If you do not oblige by then I will have to use force," The guard spoke impatiently. Irritation clearly laced in his voice.

"That's fine by me," Nyx smirked. She could care less if this would have repercussions. She was done with this place.

The guard sighed and marched his way to Nyx. She dodged his hand, trying to grab her arm. She dodged it another time when he tried again. Nyx was taunting him.

Finally he had enough and signalled to his colleagues to help and with a sudden move they both grabbed Nyx arms and pushed her downwards, making it difficult for her to counter attack. It was, however, not impossible. With all her might and strength she could muster with her injured leg she tried to wiggle out of their grip.

Mid fight, Nyx heard another pair of footsteps. These ones were quicker. "What's taking you all so long?" She recognized that voice. "Let her go, immediately!"

When Nyx was able to stand with a straight back again she saw Beta Clause had arrived to the scene. "Nyx, this isn't an attempt to punish you or get you into trouble. I promise."

She gave him and the other guards a side-eye before finally marching her way out of the school toward the cars.


Silas didn't know how he would feel when he would finally lay his eyes upon his mate as he stood waiting in his office for her to arrive. He thought he might feel excited, relieved, or ridden with guilt. But that wasn't even close to how he actually felt when Nyx round the corner of the doorframe and entered his spacious office in his packhouse.

He noticed she was limping, ever so slightly she pushed her weight on her left leg. The next he noticed, which he did last time as well, was her overall appearance. Nyx looked off, her muscles weren't as present and she lost weight. But her eyes were the most hurtful to look at. They were empty. No hatred, curiosity, or a tiny bit of care and comfort she sometimes showed when it was just the two of them.

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