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'Dear Jade...

This is probably my first ever letter, so dont be mad if it completely sucks. I probably wrote more before the maze, but from what you've told me, i dont think i did. I know for a fact that i never wrote one in the maze, but i do know this will be my last.

Im dying. But im not scared of it. Im slowly losing myself to this disease, this virus, and it's scaring me shitless.

I remember the first time i saw you, we had just escaped the maze, and i was sitting in a chair whilst a doctor got a needle ready. You were talking to Minho, and i could already see the happiness in your face from seeing him, which completely confused me. Then, as the doctor neared me with a needle, i saw how your feet sped up on the tredmil, but i was too busy being scared to crap of the needle.

That night, we spoke about reconigsing you, and Minhos' voice was filled with awe straight away. Then, the next day, the way you protected us whilst putting yourself at the risk proved to me that you two would be perfect for each other.

Before we even knew we were siblings, i felt close to you, i felt love but platonic, obviously. I enjoyed having our playful arguments, and i especially enjoyed annoying you, which, now that i think about it, sounds like a typical sibling thing to enjoy.

Minho loves you very much, and it's very obvious. He likes the way you dont listen to anyone, even though it pisses him off, that you are always trying to protect everyone by risking yourself. He loves the way that even though none of us remembered you that you protected us and cared for us like we did remember you and you never gave up on us. He especially loved how you would always make jokes to try and lighten the mood or just do it at stupid times, which most of the time getting yourself hurt. That part, however, he did not like.

Im telling you all this because as much as Minho seems the flirty, not shy at all, but he is the complete opposite. He is a wuss when it comes to you, and he will never admit this, so im telling you, so you know just how much he loves you.

I dont need to ask you to protect them because i already know you will. Vince cares for you like you're his own, so make sure you dont let that go if any of us deserve a somewhat parent it is you. Look after Sonya and make sure Harriet treats her right as well. Dont be sad about my death Jade, move on. Im not worth dwelling on. Thank you for being the best twin sister and greatest friend in history, Jade.

I love you,

Goodbye, my twin sister.

-Newt (The coolest brother ever and you know it)

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