Chapter 4: Seven Years Old, Dreaming of Expansion

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Emerson thought Peter was just joking, but when it came to the prepared route map and the route planning involving streams and mountains, Emerson knew the seven-year-old was serious!
Because it involves not only the shortest route to open the mountain, but also the farmland of civilians as far as possible to avoid, and even notes the mountain conditions that need to open the mountain!
Originally, the official road from the new mining area to the smelter was 37 kilometers long, and the railway plan was directly shortened to 27 kilometers!
Is it...
Is our little prince really going to optimize transportation costs with those strange roads that have only rails and sleepers?
Emerson couldn't think of anything better than a horse and carriage on that strange road.
Forget it!
Anyway, the materials are ready, the magician also invited to the money tube enough no reason not to do.
Prince Ursa, they give this little guy a lot of pocket money. He can't really have spent nothing since he was a child, can he?
Emerson looked at the magic ring that Peter had given him, and also fell into a little meditation.
That's for sure.
After all, Peter these years in addition to learning is learning, pocket money has been asked, but basically no chance to spend ah!
His grandfather, Suman Ursa, went home from business with his father and had dinner together.
However, Peter is an unhappy look picking food, although he is pretending, but the child's identity will not be detected strange.
"Little Peter, what's up?" mother was the first to notice the difference.
"You're not scheduled for etiquette lessons today, are you?" The father also asked in confusion, he knew that Peter most hated the course is etiquette, feel tedious and useless.
"Well, not at all!" Peter put on a childish look.
And then secretly looked at Grandpa with his eyes, this kind of small mind...
Father and Grandfather instantly understood!
Spirit power detection!
Magic, higher order!
"Are you a magician now?" Father surprised.
"Come and see Grandpa!" Grandpa is also surprised smile.
Mother was also full of surprise expression, she also did not know, only sitting at the end of the Lane  Uncle smiled gently.
“Hum! Don't do it, so long have not found that people have broken through, obviously did not hide the breath.” Peter's skillful child temper.
"Hey, you're still mad." Father Polley couldn't help laughing.
"Haha, it's the grandpa's fault, too busy to go home today and too tired to notice that our little Peter is already a powerful high-order wizard!" Grandpa first apologized and explained, and finally praised the way, showing his old ways.
"I don't care, I'm angry!" Peter is having a tantrum.
But he went to his grandfather, and his grandfather embraced him.
"What kind of gift does Peter want in return?" Grandpa Ursa soon understood that the little guy wanted a present.
Peter has always had a special gift.
"Hey hey, this is grandpa you say oh." Peter laughed.
“What are you trying to screw with your grandfather? The last time you asked Grandpa to customize those iron sticks for you are still piled up in the warehouse, and they are rusting.” Father Polley was a little angry.
Do not worry about children to gift, afraid to some unknown meaning, and useless things.
"Hem, don't need so much trouble this time, just need grandpa to sign and stamp on it." Peter took out a stack of land acquisition approval laughed.
"This is..." Grandpa Ursa took a general glance.
Soon to understand!
“Are you going to build a new road between the Raun mine and the Vogdi factory? The road was fine, little Peter. What do you want to do?” Grandpa is confused.
Road building? My father and mother were confused.
“Hee hee, secret! And I already gave the money to Uncle Emerson. Grandpa, you just have to sign it. Oh, that's the gift I want.” Peter said mysteriously.
Am i supposed to tell you that i'm going to revolutionize transportation?
Ursa looked at Uncle Lane, who nodded slightly to confirm that little Peter was serious.
Ursa's eyes narrowed.
Since the little guy is serious, let him play for a while. Indeed, we did not twist the money fiddle, it seems that all these years are busy learning, a useless pocket money to the cost, it does not seem to be a joke.
Although I do not know what to do, if the time is frustrated, and then the pocket money to feed little Peter and then comfort the next good.
Ursa had already made that decision in his mind.
"Well, that grandpa signed, but the secret must be completed the first time to let the grandfathers see oh." Ursa placed all the land requisition papers on the table and took his pen and seal from his magic ring.
Soon after the signing, Peter is happy to put away, tomorrow can be directly to Emerson , directly omit the middle of the cumbersome submission process.
When Polley wanted to ask, Peter spoke first.
“Grandpa, as a prince with a fiefdom, how much can you increase your private army during the war? At the same time, if you lay down the area, should be able to count their own, right?” Peter asked directly.
The tone is relatively flat, from the mouth of a seven-year-old child to say some violation.
This suddenly does not conform to the child's identity of the tone, grandpa Ursa and father Polley  they are all at the same time.
Why does the little guy ask?
"Up to fifty thousand, the region is of course our own, and the expansion of the region has the right to have more troops, but not more than 50% of the royal army, that is 250 thousand." And Ursa said simply.
"But..." Polley just wanted to add.
Peter spoke first.
“However, our kingdom of Elvisu is located in the northwest corner of the mainland, and the southeast is separated by mountains, and the only northeast area of export is also a harsh environment of ice and snow. Our fiefdoms were also the fiefdoms of other princes or nobles, and there was no chance of expanding the territory.”
"The only way to open up territory is by sea from our only coastline to the west."
"Moreover, now the rest of the continent has not interrupted the war, we have a special geographical comfort, only need to maintain self-defense armaments, completely do not need to mix in one foot."
Peter is very calm analysis.
Ursa and Polley noticed that Peter had replaced the map of his territory with a complete map of the continent!
What is this little guy thinking?
Think about what?
To do something big, of course!
The world, full of opportunities to let me do whatever I want! But the premise is that there must be sufficient funds and resources to support, that can not solve the funding problem first?
If you can!
Completely possible to conquer the world, as long as the completion of the magic heavy industrial revolution, the construction of the world belongs to the magic weapons heavy industry, everything is possible!
When the time comes to drive their own "Dalita," command the sky roaring magic fighter group, the ground to advance the magic steel torrent, the sea waves of magic aircraft carrier formation, the rear holds the intercontinental magic weapons!
Don't be too hot!
Peter smiled and turned to look at Ursa and Polley.
“Grandpa, Dad, you want to send me to the Advanced School of Magic next year after I finish my tutoring, right? Before this I have a request that next year I will be sent to our royal military academy, Ains.” Peter laughed.
Ursa and Polley, even their mother and uncle Lane, look shocked at the same time!
A seven year old child, a high level wizard genius, has volunteered to go to a military academy first!
He just mentioned...

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