Chapter 10 First practical exercise or drill

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Normal college life is still very comfortable for Peter.
After all, unlike the Military Academy and the Knight Institute, which have strict requirements, the Polar Star Academy's class schedule is 9: 30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and there are longer lunch and nap times in the middle.
At the same time, there are ways to make yourself more idle, such as:
"Next, I'll give you a basic magician theory lesson. Have you brought your textbooks?" A young male teacher said without expression.
"Teacher, we are warriors, do we have to learn something about magicians?" One student is confused.
“That's it! Sorcerer's stuff gives me a headache.” A student is also holding a textbook to follow heckling.
Indeed, magicians who are more inclined to study than warriors who are more inclined to train are boring to them.
“Since you are all warriors, you should know that you will one day confront the sorcerer. In the end, you don't even understand the magic of your opponents. Do you pray that they will use the staff to fight you?” The teacher said coldly.
"Eh -"
Strange cries were heard, apparently reluctantly but with no reason to refute them.
"Then open the textbook directory and I'll show you what you'll be studying this semester." The teacher is going to continue his lecture.
"Teacher, you haven't introduced yourself yet?" Peter raised his hand.
"Oh." The teacher slightly Leng: "My name is Jay Christie , you call me Jay  teacher can."
"That Jay  teacher, I just because I want to become a magician before learning these, this is my priority to the written test results, can apply for this course in the future?" Peter said with a long written test.
“Oh? Show me?” Professor Jay was not convinced.
"Here." Peter stepped forward.
Teacher Jay looked carefully and suddenly noticed a detail.
Written test records in 3243?
Jay  heart slightly surprised, when the little guy was only five years old?
"Is there a problem?" Asked Peter.
You won't notice my name changed by magic, will you? Peter was also a little nervous.
"Yes, you can arrange your own class in the future, but if you don't pass the final exam, you can take a make-up exam during the holidays." Jay did not ask too much, and returned the written test record to Peter.
Ask the other students.
“Do you have any students like Peter who have passed the written examination of the first order of magic? If there is a written record for me, you can also study in this class, of course, the final exam did not pass the same results.” Mr. Jay.
“Is that okay? I barely passed, okay?" A student asked.
There are some people who used to aspire to be magicians and learn first, of course, but they are less.
“Can you promise to remember? At least an average grade.” Teacher Jay coldly refused.
"Huh!?" The student gave a strange cry, helpless to put down the raised hand.
"Well, I'm going to go." Peter bowed politely slightly.
"Well, go." Mr. Jay.
The rest of the students can only be extremely envious, watching their classmates, enjoy the right to leave.
“Hum! Lucky guy, next semester is the basic theory of intermediate and advanced magicians, see how you can take it out!”
There is envy, there are naturally jealous, but it is a small voice in the alone.
Peter was sure to smile with polite contempt.
Intermediate? Advanced? Ye himself is already a wizard, those written test will not pass?
Drossandi looked at Peter as he left, with a little doubt in his lovely big eyes.
Peter is not a noble, is he? The magician's things before entering the academy, but not ordinary people can learn, is it a merchant's child or something?
Leave the classroom and return to the dormitory.
Peter took out a thick textbook from the magic ring, which was about the transformation of the knight.
Although he did not continue in the Knight Institute, he still took a copy of the main textbooks and books that he could take.
“Mmm! Although the magic of this world is wonderful and fascinating, what attracts me most is the mecha. After the railway transportation began to make money back, I must buy the best materials and make a special mecha for me.”
"The price is not high is one thing, but handsome ah!"
"And on the single ability, the complete body of the knight  mecha must be very powerful, otherwise it will not change the previous war."
"To learn or to learn..."
"Alas, the road to conquer the world is a long way."
Peter sighed slightly, and plunged into the sea of knowledge.
No way, let him learn other may not be interested in high, but this is a mech, mech ah!
What kind of man can resist a mech so big that he can only look up!
Absolutely not!
Even passing through the excavator work can see half a day of men, how can refuse this romantic mecha!?
That's it.
Peter uses a variety of similar reasons to turn magic lessons into self-study, a high-profile but also a lot of time for himself.
At the same time, this high-profile will only be temporary.
Really when a classmate often some courses are not, usually do not chat with people, most people will forget him.
There is no way, Peter basically only and feel valuable to communicate and get acquainted with, the rest of the people really do not take any notice.
So it wasn't long before he was a small transparent level in the class.
The two months of the semester passed in such a hurry.
"Today, is your first trip out of the actual combat training, a period of five days."
"The academy will also arrange teachers and knights to follow, as well as senior students to carry out their duties."
“Now, do you have all the survival supplies in your magic rings and backpacks? We leave in half an hour!”
The teacher who led the team finally announced on the stage.
Theory and academy practice are definitely not enough to meet the needs of normal fighters or magicians, and actual combat practice is naturally one of the necessary courses. The actual combat exercises of the Polar Star Academy are basically selected in the surrounding area.
For example, the place they are going to this time is the "Sage Forest" to the east of the college.
The more peripheral area has a lot of primary to advanced warcraft, for enrollment conditions are at least intermediate fighters of the freshmen, basic or able to cope with their own.
Of course, it is also because of the actual combat relationship, the probability of death is still there. Therefore, the academy will be more careful, will arrange teachers and knights to follow, and even give senior students protection tasks, so that they also join the ranks of the guard.
Peter's eyes were completely attracted by the five six-meter mecha!
The last generation of Frostblade Rider retired modified version ah!
The Polar Star Academy is worthy of the name of the Polar Star Academy, which can get a military retired version of the Knight as an academy guard!
This version is larger, wields a heavier sword, and is more heavily armored and comes with more powerful magic attacks. Unfortunately, the speed is relatively lacking, and the cost is slightly expensive and decommissioned.
But this is bigger!
So damn handsome!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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