Chapter 9 - Polar Star Academy

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The winter had just passed and the chill had not yet subsided.
Elvisu  Kingdom's largest comprehensive special college - Polar Star Academy.
Different from the more specialized wizard or warrior training academy, Polar Star Academy  is a comprehensive college of comprehensive training in many aspects, including the "machine jockey" training!
At the opening ceremony of the Polar Star Academy, Peter, dressed in light armor and carrying a standard sword, stood among the many students.
He is now 12 years old, which is the normal school age.
And he is already a high-level warrior, and he fully meets the admission standards of this academy.
In fact, as long as the middle class soldiers can, after all, between the ages of six to twelve to learn the basic knowledge, such as literature, mathematics, history, geography, biology and other aspects of knowledge, only know how to fight illiterate idiots will not like.
By the way, Peter's actual sorcerer level has reached the terrifying sorcerer (fifth order) level, even stronger than a small number of magic teachers.
After the normal dean's admission nagging, it is to go to their respective classes.
The semi-circular stepped classroom, sparsely filled with 30 students, in terms of attire, the proportion of aristocrats is not much.
At the same time, Peter noticed that his light armor was a bit conspicuous, and he also took time to return to the dormitory to change his school uniform.
It also leads to a problem that...
"Student, can I sit next to you?" A cute blonde girl, also wearing a school uniform, came to ask.
"Yes." Peter smiles.
"Thank you." The lovely girl sat down with a slight sigh of relief.
Sure enough is to see the rest of the position is not a boy, is obviously noble, want to find the same so want to sit next to me in school uniform.
"In advance, I am a boy." Peter said.
“Eh? Huh? But you...” The lovely girl was surprised.
Because already twelve years old Peter face comely, its height is not outstanding and hair is relatively long, in the absence of men and women's uniform dress up, there are indeed some Yingqi girl feeling. In terms of voice, he is also a softer voice.
And, at least in the country of Elvisu, silver hair is generally a female hair color, and he has more than once been mistaken for a girl.
He had a short pigtail at the back of his head, tied up with a special dark blue headband.
Taken together, it is not surprising that he was mistaken for a real girl.
As for why this hair band?  As long as a mage with a certain level of strength would discover that this was actually a magic item that had the effect of resisting spiritual magic from behind attacks.
Peter as a warrior, need to fight against spiritual magic props, reasonable?
Of course.
This is actually a disguise, and the real role of this magic prop is to suppress and conceal the powerful magic in his body.
"My name is Peter, and you?" Peter introduced himself to ease the embarrassment.
"Oh oh, my name is Drossandi, Drossandi Animissi." The cute girl is also a simple self-introduction response.
Animissi? As expected is not noble Mody, have not heard of the surname, it seems that is not our country's feeling.
Similarly, Drossandi was surprised that Peter introduced himself without using his first name.
Is it called Peter? Last name Sue?
"It's Sue." Peter explained.
"Oh, what a short last and first name." Drossandi was curious, but didn't ask any more questions.
Peter is indeed called that name now, because he now comes to school as a fake identity that is helped by the Royal Army.
After all, he was a military academy graduate with honors, or a year at the Knight Institute, and he had to be protected.
"Everyone is a little quiet, I first point to confirm that there is no wrong classroom."
A middle-aged teacher, wearing glasses and holding a folder standing on the platform said.
The whole classroom was a little quieter.
A total of thirty students, with the teacher's name, Peter also roughly find out which are the aristocrats here.
To be honest, though he was the grandson of Prince Ursa, he actually turned off many of the necessary parties for various reasons of learning. So basically he had only heard the names of the nobles and had never seen them, let alone their children.
Why not get to know each other in advance?
For Ursa himself said:
Huh? You said that those nobles, basically all of them are enjoying the peace of the kingdom's geographical factors, and everything will be slow to waste. If there is a good noble, grandpa I will arrange a meeting for you, the rest you might as well know more people who know the army, although there are a lot of garbage.
The first day of school is basically nothing.
After the simple opening ceremony, the classroom attendance and the distribution of textbooks, it was soon time for free activities.
In the auditorium of the school playground, Peter sits, a button-sized magic prop gleaming faintly in his collar, and a pair of earphones in his silver-haired ears.
“Can you hear me? Uncle.” Peter asked softly.
"Yes, Lord Peter." The voice of Uncle Lane comes from the magic prop in Peter's ear.
"It is good, and then the communication will be according to this magic prop, but to avoid being monitored, and the distance of each communication will be shorter as far as possible." Peter said.
Now Uncle Lane is sitting on a seat in the woods outside the playground, and the newly opened Polar Star Academy will still be open to visitors.
"Good." Uncle Lane.
"Well, do you have a list of new students and current students and teachers?" Peter.
"I've got the basics, but since Lord Peter wants more personal details, it needs to be sorted out." Uncle Lane.
"Yes, put it in the agreed place in three days, and then I'll pick it up myself." Peter.
"Good." Uncle Lane.
Peter wanted this information for the simple reason that he needed to pick the right people and then get to know them as well as he could, and that would be great if they could be friends.
"Then I'll go back to my dorm and enjoy my campus life. I'll be in touch if I have anything to do." Peter.
"Also pay attention to regular contact." Uncle Lane.
"I know." Peter.
Then the magic communication breaks down, and Peter gets up and leaves the playground.
At this point...
College faculty area.
“What do you think? Dean.” A red-haired woman with a fiery figure asked an old man dressed in a standard college teacher's uniform.
"I understand a little why Prince Ursa sent for me to take more care of his grandson."
“This was the only material that had been sent to our academy, and it was clear that he had sent this lovely grandson to the military academy at Ains. With this low-key and secretive style of action, it is really not an ordinary child can do.”
“With Prince Ursa's railways and magic cars, this grandfather grandson... Interesting.”
Brown Nehemiah, the old man and director of the Polar Star Academy, smiled.
"Don't forget, Prince Ursa, they are all sorcerers." The red-haired woman smiled and reminded.
A magician's child is also a magician.
"Of course I do." The dean smiled.
Peter's hair band, even from a distance of hundreds of meters, he can still feel strange.

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