Chapter 4

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When we step through into his Elion world, I can feel the density in the air, it's thicker than I remember. It's also definitely enhancing my Dark instincts. I know I won't be here long, so I make a brave decision. While we visit his bosses – I'm going to let go.

Just for the small amount of time we're here in the Elion Hive.

With the scarf around my eyes, I'm safe. My skin might be on display, but I'm confident Lienart knows what he's doing as my husband.

He walks me for a short while, until we enter a room with an Elion buzz in the air, like energy powering the building – if we're even in one. The air is perfectly warm, equal to my body temperature, so I'd assume so.

Lienart speaks in the Elion tongue to his bosses, words that are growly and poetic, but I have no idea what he's saying. He does take my elbows however, and gently pulls me forward, to display me to them. I breathe in through my nostrils and the air has a strong masculine musk to it, with a sweet edge. I lick moisture form my lips, I can almost taste them in the air.

"Madison," Lienart says my name, then his purr starts to show, as his hands trail down my arms, "They love your body, they also think you're very sweet for coming here."

"Okay," I whisper out, and my voice feels so foreign here. Now the bosses start asking questions, and I listen carefully as Lienart translates.

"They're asking if you're loyal to me? Are you, Madison?"

"I am," I nod, "Of course."

"They want to know why you haven't looked into my eyes?"

"Because you told me too," with my sweet answer, his purr deepens and he chuckles, "What's funny, Lienart?" I ask.

"This is exciting for them. To meet the ones who resist so long, the rarity of such strength, my bosses are fascinated by you, they like you a lot," I get it now, Lienart's purr is pride! He loves showing me off.

"I say thanks," my mind reels with freedom, I feel like my imagination explodes outward now that I can choose my responses without guidance or monitoring. I do imagine what the Light would want me to say, but I'm also choosing otherwise just for the short time I'm here. I want to feel. I want to feel what it's like to be... primal. An experiment.

"They ask, will you make love to me?" the way my Elion asks me, I can tell it's not a strange question for him, but normal.

"I was... actually going to ask you to do that, when we returned," I whisper this out, my cheeks blushing, "So yes. I will."

"They love that, they approve of you," Lienart touches my face, his claws running down my features, "They thank you for coming," he whispers, "They'd love to fuck you with me at some point... only if you wish it. Would you consider taking three Elion dicks inside your womb at the same time? We'd train you for it, and our venom would help you open to us."

Wow. Oh, wow. What a thought. I feel so turned on by something so extreme.

"Yes," I say it too quickly, wondering if the toxicity in the air is getting to me – or if I'm really that mad without the guidance of the Light.

"Such a good puny human, very good. Now get on your knees... to see what they offer you for our next time," Lienart suggests, his purr increasing – making my muscles go numb. His hands lower and he grabs my breasts firmly, holding them and kneading them unexpectedly, like he's showing them off to his bosses.

"What's happening?" I ask, now kneeling and leaning back into him. I'm shivering as his skin smooths Kor Venom all over my own skin, making me feel warm and tender, heat rushing down to between my thighs. Everything is throbbing. I can even feel his dick throbbing in time with my heartbeat, right up against my spine as he kneels down behind me, holding me up, my support.

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