CHAPTER 6: busted.

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After laying in bed for about four sleepless hours, your phone's alarm for 8:00 AM blared, jarring you out of your thoughts. You let out a big breath of air, the sudden noise scaring you more than you'd like to admit.

You took the phone and stopped the alarm, sitting up in bed with a groan. Your stomach felt weird, but it was a sensation you had felt before. For some reason, whenever you had had a poor night's sleep, you woke up with this sickly sensation in your stomach. It wouldn't necessarily hurt, but it almost made you feel nauseous. The feeling would crawl up your body and settle in your head, too, leading to a very miserable day. The only cure was to go back to sleep. But, since you hadn't showered the previous night, you needed to do that instead.

   So, you stood up, stretching. Your back popped a little, causing you to groan again. This would be your first full day living with the Joker, and you could not be more excited yet nervous to begin your journey with him.

   You walked into the bathroom, taking off your satin pajamas and letting them fall to the floor. You pulled back the shower curtain and turned on the hot water, not even bothering to fiddle with the cold. To you, a shower wasn't a shower until your skin was practically falling off from the heat.

   You reached a hand into the shower to assess the temperature, and you flinched back. This hot water was hot. But, you slipped in anyway; the hotter the better.

   As you indulged in all of Joker's expensive shampoos and soaps, you started to feel more awake. Still sick, but awake. And that was good, since you needed to pay attention for this meeting. You hadn't the foggiest idea of what would be discussed, but you knew that it was important. Otherwise, why would there be a meeting in the first place? You didn't want to doze off when hearing about top secret mission plans.

   Oh, boy, you could only imagine what would happen if you had done that. You knew if you had accidentally dozed off in a setting like that, your doze would literally last forever. Joker would probably kill you if you had shown that type of disrespect.

   Well, maybe not, given how he had so adamantly defended your honor the night before. It was flattering, really, despite the discomfort that came along with knowing that you had caused the death of one of his men. It wasn't disquieting because you valued Dennis' life; it was disquieting because you couldn't figure out why Joker was fixated on you, and what that fixation would result in.

   After you finished showering, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a white, fluffy towel. It was softer than any you had felt before, and you sighed a little at the luxury of it all. You stood in front of the mirror, knotting the towel by your breast so that it would stay up on its own.

   You assessed your reflection then. You looked very tired, which was an accurate depiction of how you were feeling. But, your skin was glowy and smooth, and a quick touch to your hair confirmed that it was softer than it had ever been. Joker's expensive products were definitely going to be your best friends.

   You began to brush your teeth, eyes absentmindedly roaming over the new you. You could definitely get used to this (Y/N).

   After brushing your teeth, you walked back to the bedroom, opening the closet. You hadn't really done an in-depth survey of it the night prior due to all of the excitement. So, you were excited to root around for some cute outfits.

   But, as you began your rooting, you found that there weren't very many casual clothes here. All there was were slinky dresses and bodysuits. Those were definitely suited to your desired vibe for missions or a night out, but for a day lounging around the house? These outfits would be less than comfortable for that occasion. But, you knew that you were fortunate to get here, so you couldn't pick and choose. If you had to sacrifice your comfort when laying on the couch, you'd do it happily.

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