Hanni - Notes

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The locker door slammed shut with a metallic clang, the sound echoing down the empty hallway.

I straightened, my heart hammering against my ribs. My palms were sweaty, the crinkled paper note within my grasp felt damp. This was it. I was about to confess to Hanni.

"Okay, Y/N," I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath. "Just do it."

I crept closer to her locker, feeling my pulse climb faster with every step. I saw her name, neatly printed on the metal door - "Hanni." The name felt like a whispered prayer on my lips.

I glanced around, my breath catching in my throat as I saw a figure standing at the corner of the hallway, their gaze fixed on me. My stomach plummeted. I quickly shoved the note inside her locker, then scurried away, my mind racing.

'Did she, did she see me...?' I thought.

The hallway thrummed with the echo of my own heartbeat as I made my way to class. My stomach lurched again as I caught a glimpse of a familiar figure entering the classroom.

It was Hanni. She looked calm, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on me. She simply smiled, a small, quiet smile, before taking her seat.

The day was a blur. I couldn't focus on anything but the fluttering in my stomach. I kept replaying the scene in the hallway, my mind dissecting every detail, every flicker of emotion in Hanni's eyes.

The doubt gnawed at me. Did she see me? Was she even interested? I spent the rest of the day stewing in my own anxious thoughts, my heart heavy with uncertainty.

After school, I waited outside her locker, my fingers fidgeted, the paper note with its declaration of love burning a hole in my pocket.

I waited, hoping for a sign, hoping she would notice me, hoping she would notice how my heart pounded for her. But the minutes passed by, marked by the tick-tock of the clock on the wall, and she never appeared.

I felt a pang of disappointment, but I told myself it was fine. I had confessed. That was all that mattered. I tucked the note back into my pocket, a small part of me hoping she would find it, even if she didn't notice me.

Hanni's POV:

I watched him from afar, a warm smile spreading across my face. It was the third note in as many weeks. Each one was more heartfelt than the last, filled with sweet, earnest declarations of affection. He was too shy to say it to my face, but these notes were his way of reaching out.

It all started with a simple, "I noticed you." I found it taped to the inside of my locker door one morning, a small, folded piece of paper with a shaky, hand-drawn heart in the corner. I couldn't help but smile. It felt so innocent, so pure.

And then there was the second note. "You make my stomach do flips every time I see you," it read, and beneath it was a tiny sketch of a heart, upside down. I laughed, a genuine, warm laugh, tucking it inside my pocket.

He was so sweet, so endearing in his attempts to woo me. He was like a clumsy puppy, eager to please, his tail wagging whenever I was around. I adored his shyness, his awkward charm. He was everything I wasn't.

My heart ached for him. I wanted to tell him how much his notes meant to me, how his clumsiness made me swoon. But I was too scared.

I was afraid of ruining everything, of scaring him away. So, I simply watched, a silent admirer, content to bask in the glow of his secret affection.

Today, as I waited for him to appear, anticipation thrummed through me. I was almost certain he would leave me another note. I loved the little rituals we had formed, the unspoken dance of our affections.

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