Hyein - Fall in love with you every 4AM

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Fall inlove with you every 4AM by Friday Night Plans

Y/N's POV:

The world outside my window was a hazy blur of gray, a stark contrast to the vibrant blue that painted my thoughts.

My gaze drifted to the digital clock on the nightstand, its green glow mockingly reminding me of the dwindling hours before the sun would rise.

Sleep eluded me, the silence of the room echoing the unrest that settled deep within my chest.

Hyein. My heart ached with the desire to hear her voice, feel her presence beside me. Every beat of my heart echoed her name, a melody composing itself in the quiet of the night.

The moon, a pearl hanging in the vast canvas of the sky, seemed to pulsate with my longing. It was to her, the moon, that I whispered my unspoken affections.

“Hyein,” I breathed, the single word tasting like bittersweet honey on my tongue. “I love you. I love you so much, it's like the moon's light reflecting off the surface of a still pond, a shimmer that captures all my feelings for you.”

But the loneliness gnawed at me, a relentless tide washing away any remaining vestiges of calm.

I knew it was unreasonable, this yearning to be with her, to feel her warmth, to bury my face in her hair and smell the soft fragrance of chamomile that clung to her like a whisper.

I grabbed my phone, the cool metal pressing against my skin. My finger hovered over Hyein's name, a name that held the power to quell the storm brewing inside me.

“It’s too late,” I mumbled, dropping the phone back onto the bed.

The night, however, had its own ways of playing tricks on me, its silence a canvas for my thoughts to paint their own chaotic landscapes.


The next morning, a Saturday, I felt the familiar pang of longing. I knew Hyein was at the library, researching for her upcoming presentation.

I had promised to join her, but a nagging sense of guilt had kept me in bed, a prisoner of my own overthinking.

I was afraid my presence would be a distraction, a weight on her shoulders, when she needed to focus.

“I'm a terrible boyfriend,” I muttered to myself, the words clinging to the stale air of my room.

The phone vibrated in my pocket, the screen flashing her name. My heart leaped with anticipation.

“Hey, you okay?” Her voice, soft and full of concern, wrapped around me like a comforting blanket.

“Yeah, just...thinking about you. How’s the research going?”

“It’s going well. I’m getting there. I just, I feel like I’m missing something, you know?” she said, her voice laced with frustration.

My gut churned with a feeling that was half anxiety, half relief. She needed me.

“Maybe we can go for a walk later?” I suggested. “Maybe some fresh air will help.”

'That sounds good,” she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of relief.

I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. She was more than just a girlfriend; she was my best friend, my confidant.

The thought of sharing this adventure, this journey of learning and discovery, with her filled me with a joy that was as deep as the ocean and as vast as the sky.


We walked through the park, our hands intertwined, a silent agreement to navigate the maze of life together.

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