Minji - A Familiar Face in the Moonlight

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Part 2 of 'The Last Week'

Y/N's POV:

The humid Seoul air clung to me as I walked through the park, the scent of blooming night jasmine filling my lungs.

It was a strange sensation, being back in Korea after ten years. The city was a symphony of flashing neon signs and honking taxis, a far cry from the quiet, scholarly life I had become accustomed to in London.

I had come back with a suitcase full of dreams and a heart full of longing. The longing wasn't for the familiar streets or the spicy food, but for a girl with eyes like the summer sky and a smile that could light up a room. Minji.

We had been inseparable in high school, two kids with dreams bigger than the Seoul skyline. She dreamed of being a K-pop idol, while I dreamt of studying abroad. We promised to keep in touch, but life, as it often does, took us on different paths.

Years passed, my emails and messages unanswered. I knew her dream was hard, but I couldn't shake the thought that maybe I had lost her somewhere along the way.

Tonight, though, something felt different. The park was bathed in the silver glow of the moon, the same moon we used to gaze at, whispering secrets and sharing dreams.

Maybe it was the magic of the night, or maybe it was just a silly hope, but something within me whispered that she might be here.

A laugh, light and familiar, cut through the air. I turned, my heart skipping a beat. There, beneath the willow tree, sat Minji.

She was even more beautiful than I remembered, her features sharpened, her movements graceful. A crowd of people surrounded her, their faces lit with admiration.

She was a K-pop idol. Minji, the girl who used to sing in the school choir, was now a star.

My throat tightened. I could hear the chatter around her, recognize the hushed whispers of "NewJeans" and "Minji." She was a part of this world now, a world so different from mine. She wouldn't remember me, would she?

A wave of self-consciousness washed over me. What was I doing here, staring at her from afar like a lovesick teenager? I should just leave, go back to my hotel, pretend this never happened.

But my feet wouldn't move. I was glued to the spot, mesmerized by her, by this beautiful, unattainable vision.

Something shifted in the crowd. Minji turned, her eyes searching the faces around her. Our eyes met. A flicker of recognition passed through her, a small smile gracing her lips. For a moment, time seemed to stop.

Then, she waved, her smile widening.

"Y/N?" She called my name, her voice carrying over the hushed whispers.

I felt a warmth spread through my chest, a feeling so familiar, so powerful, that it took my breath away.

Minji's POV:

The exhaustion of the day was finally settling in as I sat under the willow tree, taking a break from the bustling crowd.

I had been signing autographs for hours, my hand aching, my voice hoarse. But I couldn’t stop the smile from creeping onto my face. This was my dream, my reality.

Suddenly, a voice called my name, a familiar voice that sent a shiver down my spine.


I turned, my heart skipping a beat. He was standing a few feet away, looking just as handsome as I remembered.

Older, yes, but his eyes still held that same playful glint, the same warmth that had made my teenage heart flutter.

"Y/N," I repeated, my voice barely a whisper.

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