Minji - The Weight of a Smile

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Y/N's POV:

The crisp autumn air nipped at my cheeks as I walked alongside Minji, the vibrant leaves crunching under our feet.

We were heading to the annual Fall Festival, a lively affair filled with food stalls, games, and the promise of warm cider.

Minji was clutching a steaming cup, her breath forming tiny white clouds in the cool air.

“It’s like a scene from a movie, don’t you think?” she mused, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

I grinned, taking a silent moment to appreciate the sight of her. The late afternoon sunlight cast warm hues on her face, highlighting the gentle curve of her cheekbones and the way her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders.

“It is,” I agreed, “A very cheesy, cliche movie scene.”

She laughed, a sound that resonated deep within me, a melody I could never tire of. “You know, I never thought I’d be someone who enjoys fall festivals. But with you, everything seems magical.”

My heart, always a bit too loud in her presence, thumped against my ribs.

“Well, you’re magical too, Minji,” I blurted out, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.

Her smile widened, and a playful glint entered her eyes. “Oh, really? How so?”

I hesitated, unsure how to express the feeling that consumed me. It was a feeling I couldn’t quite grasp, a whirlwind of emotions that had swept me off my feet.

“It’s...” I began, fumbling for words. “It’s like the world just becomes a little brighter when you’re around, you know? Like everything’s a bit more...colorful.”

She tilted her head, a thoughtful frown etched on her forehead. “Colorful? That’s...interesting.”

We walked in comfortable silence for a while, the rustling leaves and the chatter of people forming a comforting backdrop.

“I’m trying to explain what falling in love feels like,” I confessed, finally finding my voice.

Minji stopped walking, her gaze fixed on me, a hint of surprise in her eyes.

“You are?” she questioned, her voice soft.

“Yeah,” I mumbled, feeling a flutter of nervousness. “I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s like...like every day is a new adventure, and I just want to share it with you.”

We stood there for a while, the only sound the gentle wind whistling through the trees.

“I think I’m starting to understand,” she said eventually, her voice laced with a gentle warmth. “It’s...like the world slows down when I’m with you, the way you look at me, it’s like you see everything, even the parts I try to hide.”

Her honesty, her vulnerability, tugged at my heart.

“I do see everything,” I said, my voice a low murmur. “The way you laugh, the way you get lost in a book, the way you hum a song under your breath while you’re doing the dishes. It’s… it’s like I’m seeing the world for the first time through your eyes.”

As I spoke, a sense of peace settled over me. It wasn’t just about the butterflies in my stomach or the way my breath hitched every time she smiled. It was about the way she made me feel, like I could finally be myself.

“I haven’t felt this way about anyone before,” she admitted, her cheeks flushed. “It’s…scary, exciting, overwhelming.”

“I know,” I replied, my hand instinctively reaching out to hold hers. “Me too. But it’s the best kind of scary, right?”

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