Chapter 7

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At Hoseok's house,

Taehyung had called Jin and Jungkook while they were on the way to Hoseok's house. 

"Play some music!! Get some drinks!!" Yoongi said as he sat on the couch and ordered the orders with a smile on his face. Taehyung went and sat beside him while the two started bickering.

"I will get the drinks" Jimin said.

"I will start the music" Namjoon said.

"So, he is pregnant and the baby is yours?" Jin asked while looking at Yoongi who was playing Taehyung.


"What are your plans, hyung? We all know that you are in a relationship. Serious one, this time" Jungkook said while looking at Hoseok who sighed.

"I spoke to Hyunwoo before coming here. He wanted some time alone to think when I got the audios from Jimin about the situation"

"Didn't he ask how Yoongi is pregnant with your child?!" Jin asked.

"He did. I told him that it was a drunken mistake. I can't tell him the truth or else he will never let me be near Yoongi, again" Hoseok smiled slightly looking at Yoongi and Taehyung bickering.

"We will make sure your secret isn't spilled" Jin patted his back.

"Thank you, hyung"


"No need to scream. I am right here" Hoseok walked to him and sat beside him on the couch "What happened?"

"Can we play a movie? I am tired" Yoongi leaned his head on Hoseok's shoulder who looked at others who sighed in relief because they were tried too.

"Movie it is!" Namjoon said.

Jimin came back with the drinks. Jungkook adjusted the couch. MinMon were cuddling each other while TaeKook were cuddling with Jin and Yoongi was cuddling with Hoseok with a blanket wrapped around them each of them and some snacks on the table.

After two hours,

Yoongi had fallen asleep while cuddling with Hoseok while the others were awake. The movie was complete, so they were talking and gossiping about things.

"I don't even know how I will tell my parents this" Hoseok sighed and leaned his head back on the couch.

"What's there to worry? Your parents love Yoongi, and if they come to know that he is pregnant then they will over the moon" Taehyung was confused.

"They will want me to marry him, but I am in a relationship with someone who is not him. Also, how the fuck will I explain them it was a one-night stand with Yoongi like I told to Hyunwoo! They will never believe me, and if I tell them the truth then they will kill me"

"For sure. They will bury you alive" Namjoon said.

"I think for the sake of Yoongi hyung, they will keep him alive" Jimin said.

"That can happen too" Namjoon pulled Jimin closer to him and cuddled with him.

"I don't know. To be honest, the main problem is his parents and not mine because they hate me. I don't know what I have done to them or Yoongi that they hate me?!" 

"They don't hate you" Taehyung disagreed with Hoseok.

Hoseok gave him a 'are you serious' look "They look at him like they want to kill me every time I see them like they are the hungry predator animals and I am that one unlucky prey animal who gets devoured by them piece by piece, skin by skin" 

"You didn't had to exaggerate so much" Jin said with a weird look on his face.

"He isn't. That's exactly how they look at him" everyone flinched they heard Yoongi's voice. 

"When did you wake up?" Hoseok asked as he patted his head.

"I never slept. I just closed my eyes" Yoongi was controlling his urge to snuggle into Hoseok's chest like always when they used to cuddle.

"So, you heard everything?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi nodded.

"You will have to tell my parents too about the 'friends with benefits' if you tell yours" Yoongi smiled sweetly. Hoseok gulped.

"I think your parents think that you guys are dating" Taehyung said gaining everyone's attention.

"Why do you think that?!" Hoseok asked.

"Uncle and aunty asked me if you guys were dating, but I said I don't know and excused myself" Taehyung shrugged getting closer to Jin.

"I think the same about Yoongi's parents. Uncle once asked me if you guys are seeing each other and I said yes because he saw you guys kissing in the backyard when no one was there" Namjoon said.

"You want me dead, don't you?!" Hoseok asked.

"What?! I never asked you both to kiss WHEN YOU GUYS WERE AT HIS PARENT'S PLACE!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXCEPT ME TO TELL?!" Namjoon asked.


"I think they somewhat did" Yoongi said.

"Please for the love of music tell me you are kidding" Hoseok looked at Yoongi with a terrified face.

"I wish. Apparently they saw you kissing Hyunwoo and questioned him" 

Hoseok looked at Jimin "You know what I want on my funeral right?"

"Yep. Everything in detail"

"Start preparing"

"I will"

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