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In that moment everything stopped. 

The birds stopped singing. The wind stopped blowing. The earth stopped spinning. 

We stopped and stared. Me in fear. You in shock. 

You could see everything, for the first time. In that moment my whole world stopped. 

You were not the first. But you were the most important. 

My feet had melted into the floor. I couldn't move, I couldn't hide from you. Not anymore. 

You recovered as I still stood there. 

I waited for the other boot to drop. For the first punch to be thrown. 

You walked towards me with purpose. 

All I could do was tense and watch as my life fell apart. 

That's when it dropped I flinched, but you held me tight. 

Wave after wave it was almost painful.

 You wrapped your arms around me as I started to shake. 

You lowered us to safety as you held me. 

You whispered what I always dreamed someone would say to me. 

You could see all of me and still loved me. 

You healed wounds you didn't know that I had. 

Erased the mistakes others had made against me. 

Forgave the mistakes I made against myself. 

There time stopped and continues at the speed of light. It was dark when we walked up the stairs. 

You continued to hold me. You continued to love me. 

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