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The taste is bitter.

Every word of poison leaving my mouth

I can't stop it, I don't even try.

When an animal is hurt they attack.

I am only showing you just how much you hurt me.

Through everything I have ignored.

Through everything I passed off as a joke.

It all comes back like vomit. I taste my tears.

The pain is so strong that I can feel it everywhere.

I long for the sweat taste of our jokes.

The times I knew it was all in good jest.

I long to share drinks with you.

To have a night in with snacks a movie.

You were my everything and have made me nothing.

Called me nothing.

I was nothing to you.

The blood was sharp when it hit my tongue.

But I did what I needed to do.

I needed to feel the pain physically.

It would have killed me if it stayed inside.

Now the only scars you see are the whispers of the past.

Those trigger words that show me what we did, what we were.

You were my everything I put you on a pedestal.

I was nothing to you, just a puppet to play with then throw away.

Maybe one day someone will find me a treasure.

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