It feels like running on a treadmill that is set to fast.
I panic at night,
Find distractions during the day.
I'm ready for it to be over.
For someone to pull the plug before I totally fall off.
I do other things people only dream of.
I beat the odds in record time,
Because it's not what they want it doesn't count.
Because it doesn't give them a number it doesn't matter.
I took a chance and now my future falls apart at my feet.
How to bale yourself out when the boat your in is the titanic.
I was suppose to be something great,
Amazing beyond belief.
Now brought to tears by my own failure and short comings.
I only have myself to blame,
That is why I don't ask for help.
My fault, my mess,
my solutions.
That is how we have gotten here.
I'm drowning and can't see a way out.
It hurts inside and out.
This should never have happened.