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Caspian's POV

I shudder again as I shifted back to my human form before I skipped to my team's side, next to the aircraft that had to land away from our camp. We couldn't get too close because we couldn't risk getting detected by the witches.

"Stay close," Knox commands the group as we move towards the camp ground.

Stay close? Stay close??? How could he expect me to stay close when we were quite literally in a forest. This was MY element. I couldn't quite contain my goofy smile as I touched every single tree.

"You're growing big and strong!" I exclaimed as I pat the bark of the tree.

Talk to your plants guys, it makes them happy.

I heard a scoff from behind, probably from Dexter, but I really don't care. I was way too happy to be back in the forest.

I slip my shoes off and held them with my hands as I let my toes sink into the grass. Oh how I missed this.

Knowing that Knox couldn't hold me back from being in my happy place, he simply asks me to not wander too far. 

My fingers feel every plant as I leaned in to take a whiff of the flowers.

After hours of walking, we stop by a beautiful pond by a vast green field. I squeal as I dipped my legs into the water after rolling my pants up.

"Set up camp here." I heard Knox say and I swear I could run up and kiss that man on his lips.

The two teams got to work as I continued playing in the water. They don't need me, they're 4 big grown men, they can set up camp on their own, I convinced myself.

"Caspian!" Drax yells for me.

"What?" I yell back.

"Come here!"

"I don't wanna!"

"It's gonna get dark soon, come here!"


When I heard no rebuttal, I continue admiring the view and playing with the water.

Well that was fucking short lived as I get lifted out of the water.

I whined. "Put me downnnn!"

"Absolutely not, Knox is gonna spank you. Watch." Drax threatens.

"No he won't." I pout.

"Uh huh, sure." Drax answers as he carries me back to the tent that they've set up.

Drax removes his shoes without letting me touch the floor. He sits down and pulls me on top of him before he takes some wet wipes to clean the dirt off my feet.

I lean back into his chest as I watch him clean my feet.

"You're so spoiled." Drax sighs as he throws the dirty wipe away and takes another one out of the pack.

"You guys keep spoiling me.. Not my fault." I retort.

He chuckles. "Not wrong."

Once he was done cleaning my legs, he nudged me to stand up.

I shake my head and snuggle further into his chest. "Nah, too comfy."

I could literally imagine Drax rolling his eyes at me before I got lifted again. I sure am getting the extreme princess treatment today.

He sets me down inside the tent as he points to the rest of the team who were blowing up and laying out the sleeping bags.

I walk towards them and plop myself next to Knox. "Do you need me to help with anything?"

Knox hands me a blow-up pillow. "Here, blow these up."

And so I do, we try to make the tent as cozy as we could with the limited materials.

Drax was right, the sky turned dark quickly, the tent was lit up with an electric lantern and fairy lights I insisted we bring. It was cozy and it felt safe, maybe because all 5 of us were huddled together on the sleeping bags. I was squashed between Knox and Orson who insisted they took the sleeping bags next to me. Unable to argue with the captain and vice captain, the two took the right corner sleeping bags.

Putting the two right next to one another would be a mistake, but oh well, they got to learn to be with one another.

"Can we keep the fairy lights on?" I whispered to Knox, "It's scary when it's completely dark."

Knox shakes his head, "we can't, the tent will stand out too much in the dark. I'll hold you, you've got all four of us here."

I whined internally but decided that what he said was true and nodded.

I snuggled closer to our captain, Orson moves closer to press his chest against my back. Knox turns the fairy lights off and i squeeze my eyes shut, hiding my face in his chest.

"Goodnight," I whispered to the 5.

A chorus of sleepy goodnights echoed before Knox presses a gentle kiss at the top of my head. "Goodnight, pretty boy."

The journey sure had tire all of us out and we had to be up bright and early tomorrow.

Everyone knocked out within minutes.

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