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Knox's POV

Something about this fairy just did not sit right with me. She had a different aura as compared to Caspian. Caspian radiated warmth, pureness. This fairy was quite the opposite.

She clung hopelessly to the team. Despite Caspian being a fairy and being the one who saved her, she spent more time talking to the rest of us.

She looked quite like Caspian, almost like they were twins, except she had longer golden locks and more feminine features.

Her fingers wrap around my arms as she persistently asks questions. Annoyed, I shrug her off, pushing her hands away from me.

She didn't quite get the hint though, as her hands wrap around mine again. I could see Caspian getting visibly annoyed as well. He shot Lily quite a few threatening glares, all of which were ignored.

"Look. Caspian brought you here, but I'm more than willing to take you back. Keep your hands to yourself." I growl out lowly.

"Move." I spat at the female.

I didn't bother to look at her as I motion for my pretty boy to sit on my lap.

He pouts as he crosses his arms, looking anywhere else but at me. I chuckle, how could such a pretty little boy be jealous of someone he himself brought onto the aircraft?

I stood up from my seat as I made my way to my gorgeous boy. Even while I was just a few centimetres away, the boy's prominent pout stayed on his lips as he looks away.

I let my hands cup his cheeks and used my thumb to give it a quick rub. "Pretty boy?" I called out gently, a tone I could only ever use with him.

He lets out a soft "hmph."

How silly.

I continue to hold his face as i tilt it towards me, his green eyes locked onto my boring eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask.


"You're pouting."

"It's stupid." He whines.

"I don't care."

He looks up at me as he raised his hands up for a hug. I wrap my arms around him as I pull him up into a hug. His legs instinctively wraps around me.

"I don't like Lily." He whispers into my ears.

I laugh, "I can tell."

He whines, embarrassed. "God, this is so embarrassing."

"Why don't you like her?"

"Ugh, look at her. She's practically begging for all of your attention." He says as he motions his head towards the female fairy.

He wasn't wrong though, She had found her seat right in the middle of Drax and Arion, who were obviously extremely uncomfortable with her presence. She was trying her absolute best to start a conversation but wasn't really getting any response from the two.

"You brought her here," I reminded.

"I regret that. I got too excited finding out there were other fairies out there. Plus, I couldn't just leave her locked up in there."

"I could."

Caspian shoots me a look. He sighs as he lays his head on my shoulders, "oh well. Maybe Team B needs a healer."

I shrug, "maybe. I sure as hell ain't taking her into Team A."

Caspian lets out a giggle, "I think I might die if she does join us."

"Of jealousy?" I tease.


How adorable.

Caspian's POV

I stayed cradled in Knox's arms throughout the journey back, Orson, Arion and Drax found their way to us as they took the seats in front of us.

Lily had found her way to Team B and seemed to be engaging in conversations way better there than she did with us.

"I cannot stand that woman." Arion complains as he rubs his arms. "I got fucking goosebumps."

"Fuck, tell me about it. For someone who's been locked down there she sure is happy." Drax grumbles.

"Something about her just feels off." Orson says as he shoots Knox a look. Knox nods, his arms tighten around me.

I snuggle back into his chest. Did I bring someone back on impulse? But I really couldn't have just left her back there..

"And the witch leader is no where to be seen as well. Reporting to the higher ups is going to be a pain." Knox sighs.

Orson shoots him a sympathetic look.

All this talking and stressing is making me want tea. I love tea. Tea makes me calm down.

"Is this a good time to make tea?" I piped in.

"Go ahead, little one. Make us a cup too." Knox releases me from his comfortable death grip as he gently nudges me to the aircraft's pantry.

"5 teas coming right up!" I sing as I skipped to the pantry. I open every drawer to see what I had to work with.

Orson always made sure the pantry was stocked with tea leaves and flowers after I threw a (childish) tantrum a few years ago. Not my fault though, I was just really craving tea.

I take a mix of chamomile flowers, rosehips, dried peppermint and dried lemon balm before mixing them all up and splitting them into 5 different cups.

I take a bottle of water and pour it into a kettle before dashing out of the pantry to look for Orson.

"Orson! Boiling water please!" I grin as I hand him the kettle.

He holds onto the base of the kettle as he heats it up with his powers. He was honestly so cool for that.

He hands me the kettle when the water started bubbling inside. I dash back to the pantry, careful not to spill any of the piping hot water before filling the cups up.

I inhale the aroma of the tea before yelling for Knox to help me carry all 5 cups out with his telekinesis powers. I took a seat next to Orson as our cups of tea floated into our hands.

"Thank you for the tea." Knox smiles at me.

"This smells fucking awesome." Arion says as he takes a huge sip.

"The best." Drax moans.

I grin as I take a sip from my cup. "I'll need a blend of your flowers, we can make tea cakes together when we're back." Orson suggests as he looks at me.

I nod eagerly. A baking date with the kitchen god? Sign me up.

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