Chapter 2

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He did text her. When he had a suspicion about the Salvatores. But she was really busy. So she didn't get to stop him from finding out earlier than he should. Nor did she stop him from outing her. They were thinking about the tomb. "Why don't you call Morgan?" Jeremy asked Elena.They were in their living room with the Salvatores and Bonnie.


"She owns a voodoo shop in New Orleans."

"So you think she's a..."

"Makes sense." Bonnie said.

"Wait, who is Morgan?" Stefan asked.

"Our older sister. Ours and Bonnie's," Elena explained.

"So she's a Bennett witch?"

"With a boyfriend who enjoys lapis lazuli jewelry," Bonnie said, remembering Marcel's choice.

"So witch with a vampire boyfriend. She might actually help us," Stefan said.

"Who needs her?" Damon asked.

"If she owns a whole magic shop, I'm calling her," Bonnie said then called the number.

"BB! What's up?"

"MB, I need your help. What do you know about boundary spells?"

"I know amateur witches shouldn't push at them. I'll come this weekend. Tell the baby vamps if they try to rush things I have a boyfriend who's older than them that will kick their ass. See you all soon. Kisses." Bonnie hung up.

"That's Morgan," Bonnie said and all her siblings smiled.

Morgan arrived to town with Thierry, Diego, and an entire car of Nightwalkers. They'd driven all night as she slept. Morgan had them go straight to the Salvatore place. "That's some escort," Damon said as he watched the males open her door and a tall golden skinned woman got out. She was in thigh high boots, a short skirt, and a button down shirt with a very long coat. The Nightwalkers stayed behind the UV protected windows and would stay in the car until they were given access to a garage or they left.

"Hello my littles," Morgan said as she walked in flanked by Thierry and Diego.

"Who are they?" Elena asked after hugging Morgan.

"Well since you're all in the know, full disclosure I'm a Queen."

"A what?" Bonnie asked.

"A supernatural Queen."

"In New Orleans?" Bonnie asked.

"It's a magical place. Marcel has been King for almost a hundred years. These are our most trusted companions, Thierry and Diego. Marcel didn't want me to meet the Ripper of Monterey with no protection," she said as she moved to sit down on one of their chairs. Thierry and Diego stood behind her.

"Who's the-" Elena began to ask but Stefan cleared his throat as he raise his hand.

"Dark times," he explained.

"While I'm sure that's true, you so much as breathe too close to me, they rip you to pieces."


She followed Damon away from the group. "She's not there." she told him.


"She's not there."


"The bitch who looks like my little sister. With better hair." Damon looked shocked.


"She was never there. Duh. Katherine doesn't get trapped. I've seen her. With my own two eyes."

"I don't believe you."

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