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        Lucien lounged near the crackling fire in the dimly lit common room, the soft glow casting dancing shadows across the room. His fingers deftly twirled the quill between them, a hypnotic rhythm to his movements as he is pondering something. With each graceful motion, the tip of the quill traced imaginary patterns in the air.

He leaned back against the cushioned armchair with casual ease. One leg stretched out before him, crossed at the ankle, while the other was bent at the knee, providing a comfortable perch for his elbow. His head was slightly tilted, chin resting thoughtfully on his hand as he stared into the flickering flames.

"He’s just-”

“Not again Marlene.”

“-lounging about, not doing a thing, yet he’s got me all hot and bothered." 

"Why’s he so bloody attractive?" Surprisingly, this time it was Lily who blurted out, leaving everyone gobsmacked. James choked on his words, floundering to protest but failing to string a sentence together.

Ron spat out his pumpkin juice, earning him a disapproving glare from Hermione.

"For heaven’s sake, Mum, he’s my age fellow!" Harry quipped, snapping Lily out of her daze and causing her to blush furiously with embarrassment.

Around him, his fellow members of the court were scattered about, each engrossed in their own tasks. Some were furiously scribbling away at parchment, their quills scratching against the surface. Others were lost in the pages of thick books, their brows furrowed in concentration.

Despite the quiet hum of activity surrounding him, Lucien remained lost in his own thoughts. Every now and then, he would pause in his movements, his gaze flickering towards the flames as if seeking answers in their dancing embrace. 

Soon enough, his quill stilled, and his piercing gaze shifted from the flickering flames to the parchment before him. The crackling of the fire seemed to fade into the background as if a sudden thought struck his brain.

As they sat, engrossed in their tasks, the common room door creaked open, drawing their attention. Draco Malfoy stumbled in, his usual air of arrogance replaced by disheveled disarray. His usually pale complexion was now even paler, and his breathing seemed more rapid than usual. His eyes, wide with a hint of panic, scanned the room briefly before he hurriedly darted toward his room without a word.

"What happened to Junior Barbie?" Rudolphus asked lazily, idly braiding his own hair.

Orion shot a disapproving glare at his demeanor, while his wife simply let it slide.

Lucious glared hard at him, “Watch it, Lestrange.” He sneered back which earned a nonchalant shrug in response and Bella’s warning stare.

"What in the name of Merlin's trousers happened to the preening peacock?" Daphne quipped, eliciting a smattering of chuckles from the group.

Many snickered in the hall.

“Had a fun night in the Forbidden Forest.” Lucien’s voice rang out, cutting through their chuckles making everyone silent.

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