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'When you need acceptance the most, that somehow is the breaking or building point in most relationships. Like if you tell your lover that you're pregnant, his reaction either builds the gate to a future of love or destroys any future you two wished to have together at all. Or if you tell your friend that you like them. Their reaction can open the gate to a future brighter than a friendship or close the gate of comfort and push you to the 'friend zone' or even worse, the 'awkwardly say hello to each other occasionaly on good days' zone.'


My parents are the holy grail of judgemental christian parents. And being that we are black, sometimes mistaken as mixed because of our unusually light tones, they may just be the holy grail of racism as well. So many should understand when I'm not very fond of expressing to them that I am gay and in 'like' with a sexy white female. To them, I would be better off saying,

"I'm a prostitute and don't remember which guy got me pregnant. And they're twins"

Because either way they would kick me out but, should it be the latter option, they would at least keep in contact with me. To them, it's bad enough I have white friends, it's like they think I will catch a desiese only the white can give me.

So when I waltz into my home one day and see a guest, who is white it my house I'm eccastic that maybe my parents have gotten over that 'white is bad' thing.

Turns out it was my dads manager and dad is trying to get another raise.


To tell you a bit about my school life, everyday I walk into school property, Im stampeded, the fact that I'm known as the cheery joker is one. But the other fact that my brother is the star runningback of the football team, does wrestling, and track doestn't help. And the last fact that I do soccer and track is the cherry on top. Half the people that say hello to me are my brother's friends. The other 49% are random people and the remaining one percent are my actual friends. That being said, Alexis is part of the upper crowd, and a close 'friend' of my brother.

"Everytime they flirt it's like a stab to my left boo- my heart"


I am a wuss for updating sorry

Pls vote so i dont not update. C;

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