Chapter Five

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We had been here for six days. Four days we spent inside working on our set list, and then yesterday we toured the venue. Overnight, 3 more bands had shown up; Pierce the Veil, Blood On The Dance Floor, and Snow White's Poison Bite. None of us knew who the umark bus was that arrived yesterday, and they hadn't come outside. George knocked on their door once, but never got an answer. We have three days until the tour kicks off, and half of the bands still weren't even here. Right now Jarvia, Andy, and I were chilling on the Asking Alexandria tour bus.
"Yesterday was fun. Do you do that often?" I shook my head at Andy.
"No. But I've always loved the rain. When I was little, I would sit on our porch back home and watch the rain for hours. So I thought it'd be fun to try. And it was." 
Danny nodded, "it was pretty fun. And where exactly is home?"
"Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland."
"Indeed good lad. Full blooded Irish."
"That would explain the Irish language yesterday." I laughed and nodded.
"Oh did she speak Irish? She doesn't do that often." I poked Jarvia. "It's just a hassel to speak when no one else speaks it. I don't like having to translate it. It just slipped yesterday."
"Danny. Where the hell is the rest of your band?" He shrugged.
"They're all sleeping probably." I checked my phone. It was 2:30 in the afternoon. We had been here since 12.
"It's 2:30 in the afternoon." Danny shrugged and I looked at Jarvia.
I laughed to myself, got up, went by the door that lead to the bunks and spoke really loud, "HEY JARVIA!!!! HOW ARE YOU TODAY?!?!?" She looked at me like I was crazy. I heard a thud come from the other side and then the door slid open. Standing there was a very messy head Ben, in boxers and a wife beater. I looked at Jarvia who was beet red.
"Ben. How nice to see you. I have boxers just like that." He looked down and then flipped me off. He walked to the little kitchen area and grabbed a water out of the fridge then sat down next to Jarvia.
"Hello?" I stared at Andy like he was crazy. Then realized it was Juliet that was on the phone.
"-That's great baby. Yeah. Yeah. How long? 5 minutes? Awesome. Okay. Love you too." He hung up and stared at us. "Well. That was Juliet. She's about 5 minutes away."
"Is she joining us for the tour?"
"As a band she is."
I dropped my jaw, "that's gonna be so cool!" He laughed and headed towards the door. "I might be back." I made a gross face and he laughed then walked out. I looked over at Jarvia and Ben who were sitting there quite awkwardly like neither of them knew what to do. I looked over at Danny who looked like he was a memeber of the awkwardness that was happening. He looked to me and nodded towards the door. I nodded and we headed towards the door.
"Where are you going?"
"Well  Jarvia dear, we're gonna go have mad band member sex while you and Ben sit here and talk." I gave her a thumbs up and walked out. Danny followed me laughing.
"Ben likes her. And he barely even knows her."
"She likes him too."
"It's so strange. They barely even know each other."
"You can't predict emotions. I could like you right now and then suddenly hate you the next."
"That's called a bloody period."
I laughed, "weirdo. She knows what she's doing. She isn't going to put herself in a path where she'll get hurt."
"I geniually think he likes her. I don't think it's just some thing."
"Let it play out, see where it goes."
"Wanna go hang out on the main stage?"
I shrugged, "why not".
We walked towards main stage being incredibly quiet.

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