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I told showed them all about the modern days stuff, The people in this skit will be Seth,Mammon,Aphrodite and Mu Qing.

Everyone was sitting down ready to watch the people that they know some are not so happy some are the know that they came from different dimension the screen started up.

Seth opened the fridge " Hey Mammon you got anything to drink? " he asked him. Mammon pointed while saying in the fridge Mu Qing asked if he got get him a glass of malk.

" Malk? " Most people were wondering the one that brought them there told them to shut up and continue watching while others were wondering how they became friends. Osiris was glaring at the TV with how friendly Seth was being with the other guys. Feng Xin was wondering why he never told them about his other friends, Mammon's brothers were wondering how he even got any friends.

" We don't have any malk but I can get you some milk. " Seth told him " that's what he just said " Mammon told him while looking at him weirdly.

He didn't everyone deadpanned.

" Yeah I just want some malk " Mu Qing said to Seth, Seth closed the fridge door " now your saying it wrong your saying MaLk like it's a disease "

" Why are they making a big deal over this? " Horus asked while admiring Seth.

Mammon let out a chuckle " well how do you say it? " he asked " i'm saying it the way everyone outta say it, milk. M I L K " Mu qing narrowed his eyes at him. " right like two percent? " Mammon asked. " Right whole malk " Mu qing said to Seth, " no no no, say milkshake " " Milkshake " Mu qing said confused. " Okay now say milk " Seth tried to get him to say " malk " Mu QIng said once more.

" How is he not getting this?, is he an idiot? " multiple people spoke while Feng XIn facepalmed at his boyfriends stupidity.

" Are you hearing this? " Seth asked Mammon " yeah the dude wants a glass of mulk " Mammon said.

" When did malk become mulk? " Lucifer wondered while massaging his temples.

Seth made a face " Mulk? " " give him the mulk Seth! " Mammon raised his voice.

Horus and Anubis narrowed there eyes wondering why he raised his voice at Seth. 

Aphrodite came from the hallway " Mammon inside voices please" she told him with her arms crossed.

Ares and Hephaestus sat up straighter at the sight of there lover.

" Sorry Aph, God friends " Mammon said while gesturing at Mu Qing and Seth.

" SETH! POUR ME A GLASS OF MALK!? " Mu Qing started yelling at him.

Horuse started getting angrier at Seth's friend along with Anubis while Lucifer is thinking of way to get his younger brother better manners.

" Why are you yelling at me? " Seth asked.

Yes why is he, Horus thought murderously.

" Just give him the friggin mulk " Mammon said to him " you guys aren't even saying the same thing! " Seth started shouting. " Where all saying malk Seth " Mu QIng told him Seth tried saying something but Mu QIng and Mammon started making weird loud noises.

" I had no idea Mu Qing could act like that " Xie Lian thought as he only did when it used to be just him, Mu Qing and Feng Xin.

Seth finally had enough and pulled out a gun " Shut up! SHUT! UP! " he pointed the gun at them then himself.

Horus stood up as did most of Ennead wondering if he is going to kill himself as he can as he is still in Demi-God form. A lot of people stood up as well.

Mammon and Mu Qing both pulled out there guns and pointed them at Seth, they were both telling him to put it down. " Your going to shoot me if I shoot myself? that doesn't make any sense! " he yelled at them both.

It really doesn't a lot of people thought wondering that the two were a bit dumb.

Mammon and Mu Qing looked at each other and put there guns to there own heads.

Feng Xin and Diavolo,Barbatos and the brothers all stood up wondering if they are really going to go through with it they hoped that they didn't.

The three all started shouting at each other to put the guns away and all started talking nonsense. The screen turned dark for a second and showed Seth on the phone with Mu Qing. " And then after that we pull the trigger. " Seth explained to Mu qing.

Everybody was confused and slowly all sat on the chairs again wondering what in the hell happened.

" No we are not doing that " Mu Qing said with humour in his voice while opening up his oven, Seth was wondering why not. Mu Qing thought it was too dark it showed Mu Qing trying to keep his cat in the oven and closed it.

" So it was all an idea and why was he putting the cat in the oven? was he going to eat it? " Anubis asked but got no answer the screen blackened at started up again.

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