Rant 9: Mapleshade

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This was requested by Warriorcatslover32. Thanks!

I actually really like Mapleshade. She's pretty developed, and is easily my favorite villain in the series. I used to hate her, but that was before I found out what happened to her.

A lot of people hate her for tricking Crookedstar and has been blamed for cause the deaths of his family. She didn't actually cause their deaths; she knew they were gonna happen all along, she just manipulated Crookedstar into thinking it was her fault.

Mapleshade had a really crappy life. She used to be a really nice cat, but then she met Appledusk and had his kits, she was from ThunderClan, he was from RiverClan, so her kits were half-clan. Every cat in her Clan thought the father was Birchface, a tom that had died earlier, and his sister, Frecklewish, became Mapleshade's best friend thinking that the kits were her brothers. Then the medicine cat, Ravenwing, finds out Mapleshade's secret by the way the kits acted and how they could barely learn how to hunt, and loved being in the water. Then, Ravenwing told the Clan, and got Mapleshade and her kits exiled. She tried to bring them across the river, but they drown, and Frecklewish grew a hatred for Mapleshade because she lied and watched her kits drown, then Appledusk gets angry with Mapleshade and casts her out. Pretty tough, huh? There's even more, but I need to get on to this actual rant.

To be honest, I don't think Mapleshade deserved to go to the Dark Forest. Yeah, she killed three cats, but one of them (Ravenwing) kinda tricked Mapleshade into murdering him, and she had hallucinations of her three dead kits persuading her to murder, saying she had to murder three cats for each of them, so they'll be free. Mapleshade's Vengeance was just a dark book overall, but it was really good, and I wish it was longer. In my opinion she has every right to be evil; she had a pretty good excuse.

Also many people hate her because she killed Spottedleaf the second time. Now, I like Spottedleaf; and her second death was really sad. Mapleshade did pull a jerk move right there. But that's for another rant.

Mapleshade could've been a good cat, just the little mistakes she made sent her down the wrong path. Her world fell apart as soon as she was exiled from everything she had ever known. It took her down the murderous path instead of the good path.

I honestly don't think there is any reason to hate this cat, she made a few bad choices and it ruined her life, she got punished for them, and it still hurt her even in the Dark Forest. Overall, I just think Mapleshade is awesome and a bit misunderstood. I would love to see your opinion on this cat. Comment down below your thoughts on this chapter, cat, or anything else that I said. Remember to put suggestions! hollyleaf517 out!

P.S- I'm sorry this is short!

P.P.S- I'm sorry that I haven't updated this in like a month. The next rant will be up soon!

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