Trip day

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John planned a trip to Italy for Sherlock's birthday

"Sherlock?" John yelled from the other room, to check if his boyfriend was awake. No answer.
"Sherlock, it's already 7.30, we have to take the plane, come on..."

John sighs, rolling his eyes while going in their bedroom, which used to be Sherlock's.

He notices that the detective's eyes were open, and that causes him to sigh again. "Get up, the Sun has risen!" The doctor says sarcastically as he starts packing the last things.
"And what do you want me to do? Photosynthesis?"
John can't help but laugh.

"Come on, you asshole. We'll be late."
John says, this time softly, as he slowly starts pulling down the blanket that was covering his future husband.

Sherlock groans, grabbing john by his neck to kiss him as he starts to gently pull his hair.
John moans against his lips. The detective smirks, knowing that what he's doing is driving his boyfriend crazy.

John pulls away. "Nope, you aren't going to drive me mad today. We have 50 minutes to get to the airport."

"There are many things we could do in 50 minutes." Sherlock points out with a small smirk playing on his lips. The soilder can't help but chuckle at this one, playfully hitting the detective on his shoulder.

Both of them are giggling like idiots, when John comes back to Earth and remembers their flight.
"Sherlock, come on"
"It's not usually you the one who begs between us" The younger one says, still giggling.
"William." The army doctor says smirking. He always uses Sherlock's first name when he is losing his patience.

"Alright, doctor." The detective says while rolling out of bed.
John starts taking off his t-shirt to put on a nice jumper Sherlock bought him on Christmas.
The detective's eyes stare at the soilder body. Even if after the army John started eating more and exercise less, right now he had a full six-pack with very nice muscles.

Sherlock tried to look away, also remembering how much John wanted to hide his shoulder scar, but it was just coming off as impossible.

"Seeing something you like?" The doctors asks with a small smile, turning around to grab the jumper, revealing his amazing back too.

"Yes, actually" he pauses.
"Your investigating skills are growing. Thanks to me, of course." Sherlock continues, teasing his boyfriend.

John laughs and puts on the jumper.
After 15 minutes or so, they both are finally ready.
They take a cab to the airport and check-in.
While they grab their packages to get on the plane, Sherlock grabs John's hand. "I love you." He says as he caresses his hand. The doctor's heart melts immediately. "I love you too, idiot." He presses his lips against his boyfriend's for a moment, then pulls away smiling.

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