Gay Clubs?

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"No, Mycroft, I'm not gonna join your secret boy band. I don't have time for that!"

Sherlock said to his brother, who was offering him a case.

The case was actually so interesting. It was about government murders in clubs. Not normal clubs. Gay clubs.


God, his brother is starting to sound like George.

"How is it going with Graham?" The younger Holmes asked, a smirk playing on his lips. Everybody knew about this relationship now.

"Greg. It's Greg."

Mycroft pointed out, exhausted by his brother's behaviour.

"And how is it going with John?"

It was the older brother's turn to smirk.

"I'm married to my work."

Sherlock tried to say, but sentiment kept failing him.


The British government said sarcastically.

"I need you to investigate. I'm serious when I say it's about England's safety."

"Can't you and Gary go into a gay club and see what happens? Maybe they could finally get you."

"Very nice of you."
Mycroft answers sarcastically.
"And anyways, that would be...too much work."

Sherlock scoffs. "You are the laziest person I know, really."

"Shut it. Will you do it?"

"Why should I help you?"

"England might depend on this."

"Can't someone else do it?"

"I thought you'd find it...interesting."

"I don't."

"Yes, you do, but you don't want to go in a gay club."



Sherlock sighs.
"Leave me alone, Mycroft."

"Will you think about it?"

"UGH, alright. Go. Away."

Mycroft smirks and opens the door.

"Let me know if you need scandalous skinny jeans or a transparent t-shirt."

"I bet you have both."
Sherlock answers, before seeing the door close.

He lets himself fall of the couch.
He wanted to follow the case, but Mycroft was right.
He didn't want to go into a gay club.
The reason? He was gay. He was really gay, and going into a gay club wouldn't help at all.

He got a message from his brother. There was the address of the club and...oh God.

A link about "ten ways to look more gay", with a text that said:
"We both know you won't even need those."

Sherlock rolled his eyes.

I hate him.

The door unlocked and his best friend came in.

"Sherlock?" John called out, not noticing him on the couch.

"You aren't observant, John."

The doctor jumped a bit, noticing the detective.

"I met Mycroft outside. He told me that we have a case."

Sherlock groans.

"I have a case. You don't."

"What? Why?"
John asked, confused.

"Because it implies us going to a gay club. I don't think you would like it."
The detective knew well his friend.
He didn't want to appear gay for any reason.

"If it's for a case, I can do that."
The soilder pointed out.

Sherlock shot him a confused look. He was 100% sure that he would've refused.

"You heard me."

"That's not exactly what I expected you to do..."

"Ohh, the great Sherlock Holmes made a mistake...very rare."

"Shut up, John. And get ready. We have an appointment."

John blushed slightly. Just now he thought that they had to act like a couple.

"Yeah, ok."

"Wear something...well, not your stupid jumpers."

The doctor looked at him. If it wasn't Sherlock, he would feel offended.
"My jumpers are nice."

"Not for a gay club."

"What should I wear, then?"

"Just...find something gayer. More revealing. Men in gay clubs wear those."

John stopped to think for a couple of seconds.
"I won't ask you how you know this."
And with that, he left to get changed into something gayer.


Tired of how it's always John blushing at the sight of Sherlock with skinny jeans. Let's make the opposite.
I'll make the part 2 whenever I get the time <3


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