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A/N- i'm sry but his eyes in this photo........ I CAN'T-

I woke up at 6 am, before the sun had risen. It was dark outside so I changed into some leggings and a sports top to go on a morning run before the match. It was Saturday so I had until 3 pm to do whatever I wanted. I put on my runners and grabbed my headphones and water bottle. I carefully snuck out onto the field to run laps. There weren't many people awake at this time so it was really quiet. 

I came back to my dorm at 7 am to get ready for breakfast. I took a shower and put my Quidditch hoodie over my previous oufit because I was lazy. Me, Izzy and Daphne headed to the great hall to eat. After breakfast, I went to the library to study for my upcoming tests. Theo insisted on going to the fields to sneak in practice but I didn't want to do that until after lunch before the game. 

It was quieter than usual in the library since many people were in their dorms or on the field. I could hear Wood yelling at the Gryffindors outside. Daphne decided to take Izzy to Hogsmeade so they can spend for time together. It was like we were all siblings.

While studying in the library, there were like 3 other people so there wasn't much going on except the sound of pages flipping and quills writing. I would prefer muggle pens like we use at home because you wouldn't need to dip it back into the ink every second and it would be better and more efficient. 

I sat in front of a window opening out to the field so every now and then, I would look up and seeing the Grffindors flying around. I was hard to focus watching them fail at scoring and Harry just sit waiting for the snitch to fly past. It was getting closer to lunch so I packed up my stuff and headed back to my dorm.

Walking down the corridors, I saw Mattheo purposely bump into a Hufflepuff first year, making them drop all their stuff. Him, Draco and Theo started laughing and walking away. I just looked at them and went to help to the boy. He looked scared and was about to cry when I came over.

"Hey are you okay?"

He sniffled, "Please don't hurt me." I looked at my badge and boy what a reputation I had being in Slytherin. I was bad to the bone but not with kids. 

"I'm not going to hurt you." I picked up some of his books and gave him a smile. He smiled back and picked up the rest of his stuff. I gave him his books and picked up mine. 

"Thank you." He said.

"Sorry about my friends, not all Slytherins are mean." He walked away and I headed back to my room. 

Inside the common room was emptier than I expected. I put my stuff in my room and went back out just as the 3 came in.

"Leave first years alone wil ya?" I said, "You guys are putting a bad name on me."

"How'd you know about that?" Theo spoke up.

"I watched it happen and helped him pick his stuff up." 

"She has a broom and a wand in her hand just go along with it." Adrian Pucey whispered as he walked by.

"Fine, we'll stop and wait for us to get our brooms." Draco and Theo went inside their dorms and I went to get my water bottle. We walked down to the quidditch Slytherin change rooms to put our stuff there and went back to the Great Hall for lunch. I wanted to eat a lot so I had energy but not too much that I was going to puke in the air because hell would that cause a scene.

We all finished and headed to the field. "Goodluck Gryffindors! You're gonna need it." After Harry's fall against the Hufflepuffs, it was all the Slytherins ever talked about. 

"We're backkk." I turned and saw Daphne and Izzy standing side by side, covered in snow. 

"Oh heyy!" I replied.

"Elle, hurry up, we need as much practice before this game." Draco called from ahead.

"Bye, see you at the game." I said to the pair and chased after Draco and Theo. We met the others down in the change room and we geared up. I grabbed my bat since I was beater and we headed out. As soon as I got out to the field I flew up straight away. Lucian Bole and I practice keeping the Bludgers away from the others while Draco was looking for the Snitch and the chasers were passing the quaffle around the pitch.

We trained for about an hour and a half before we took a rest and talked until the game began. We walked out and flew up first earning many cheers from our stands and some from other stands. The Gryffindors flew out and they had cheers from most the stands. The Bludger and snitch was released and now, everyone was waiting for Mrs Hooch to throw up the quaffle for the game to start. 

We all took our places and she threw the quaffle. Marcus quickly grabbed it and was headed towards the Gryffindor hoops when I saw a Bludger flying straight at Draco. I flew to it and sent it directly at Harry almost knocking him off his broom if he didn't dodge. Everytime I hit a bludger, I aimed it at Harry so he would fall and Draco would be able to freely catch the snitch. Soon, I could see Draco spot the snitch and fly after it.

I turned to face forward to see a Bludger launching at my face so my first instinct was to duck but it came shooting back after and I hit it flying to Oliver Wood, catching him off guard and knocking him down. I gasped and chuckled to myself quietly. With a keeper down, we can score points frequently until someone catches the snitch. The chasers in Slytherin gave me a smile and continued to throw the quaffle into the hoops making causing our points to go up by the second. 

We were now in the lead, 130-60. I saw Harry a meter away from the snitch but he loss sight of it. The game went on like that for another hour and I could see the crowd getting bored. I spotted the snitch right infront of me and signaled Draco over to catch it. He chased after it around the pitch until I saw his fingers wrap around it.

I stopped and a buzzer was heard. "Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch!" I heard Lee Jordan say. All the Slytherins looked at him with a big smile and I have never seen Draco look prouder because he has just won us the Quidditch cup. After we went back to the change rooms to get our stuff. "Party in the Slytherin Common room after curfew, tell your friends." Marcus Flint said. 

Everyone just gave thumbs up and left. We hosted a party everytime Slytherin won a match and now, it was going to be a big party since we won the Quidditch cup. I went back to my dorm to get changed and saw Daphne and Izzy sitting on my bed. Daphne gave me a great big hug and Izzy jumped on both of us toppeling us to the ground. 

They got off so I can get changed.

"Those bludgers were crazy and you hit them so fast," Izzy said, "Could you teach me?"

"In your 3rd year," I said while putting on jeans and a tube top. "Then you can join me and I won't be as worried."

"I think she can join next year," Mattheo said at the door, "You just have to give her a few pointers and she'll be a natural." Izzy ran and hugged Mattheo.

I brushed my hair, putting it into a messy bun. "But she'll get hit by the bludger if she misses and she also needs to have speed and sensitivity because she needs to observe the area around her and protect her teammates so she needs to react quickly and fly in at a fast speed while also not missing nor crashing into the person, honestly Mattheo you don't even play Quidditch." I stared at them staring at eachother, I guess I made my point, "Plus, you need to get into trials, have lots of practice and have more confidence. I'm not saying she can't do it but I'm worried for her because it took me a while to get the hang of being a beater, do I need to remind you of my leg?"

Daphne and Izzy finched at the thought.

"Why, what happened to her leg?" Mattheo asked.

"In her 2nd year, she missed a bludger which hit her off her broom and she landed on top of the fallen quaffle making her leg bend a way that it wasn't supposed to and a nasty blood stain on her leg." Daphne explained, "She had to go home for half the school year and even when she came back, she was still in a cast and crutches. Plus, it was all in her first match but she  recovered and came back better."

I could see Mattheo's face all scrunched up. He placed his hand on Izzy's shoulder, "Best leave it for a few more years." And she nodded. I chuckled at their reaction. 

"C'mon, let's go to dinner." I said, grabbing a jacket on the way out. We walked to the common room which was set up for the party after dinner. We walked down to the Great Hall to see it filled with people waiting for the food. 

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