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The holidays are coming up and we have all our assignments piling up. Many students come out their rooms with eyebags and yawning, most of them sleep in and are late for lesson. Me on the other hand, have finished all my assignments and is studying for upcoming in class tests.

"Hey Elle, I heard you finished your assignments, can you help me with mine?" Mattheo asked me while I was reading my book in the common room.

"Yeah sure, which one?" I closed my book and faced him.

"Potions, Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures." He chuckled slightly.

"I can help you with the rest but it may be a good idea to ask Draco for potions." I got up and we headed to my room. 

After a while, we managed to finish Muggle Studies seeing as I've lived around muggles and has a muggle best friend and Care of Maical Creatures since I was the only one who actually focused. Mattheo went to ask Draco for help with potions and I relaxed on the bed. Somehow, whenever I'm with him, I get this tingly feeling in my stomach and it makes me feel ten times happier.

I was thinking about everytime we were alone when Daphne came bursting through the door.

"Ellie, you will not believe the tension that just happened in the hallways," She practically yelled in my face, "Mattheo was looking for Draco to help with potions," I nodded, "And he bumped into a Hufflepuff on the way and the Hufflepuff boy turned around and told him to watch where he was going but Mattheo ignored him so he grabbed the back of Mattheo's shirt and pulled him back. Mattheo then punched the dude in the face which led into a massive fight and they had to be pulled apart."

I shot up, "Is he ok?"

"Yeah, he's in the hospital wing now and I think the Hufflepuff's name is Elliot O'Garilyn or something but it doesn't matter."

"O'Garilyn? I sit next to him in potions." I grabbed a zip up hoodie from the back of my chair. I ran to the hospital wing with my hair flying behind and Daphne following me. I stopped at the door and carefully pushed it open to see Mattheo lying on one bed and Elliot on the bed opposite to him.

I went over to Mattheo's bed.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. He's the one who has the most damage." He points over to Elliot sitting down on the bed, rolling his eyes at Matt's comment.

I chuckled, "So did you find Malfoy?"

"I think he was the one who pulled me away." He laughed.

I sat there and kept him company until visiting time was over. Madame Pomfrey said he will have to stay in for the night in case of any serious injuries. He got annoyed at that comment after I left, I could see it on his face.

I couldn't sleep that night, I was thinking about what to say or do the next time I see Elliot. Will it be awkward? Will he be mad that I went to see Matt and not him? Will he think I'm mad? 

I ended up falling asleep at around 12 and woke up early at 6am. I couldn't go back to sleep even if I tried so I gave up and went down to the Black Lake. Mattheo usually goes to sleep late and wakes up late so I decided not to disturb him.

 I went out and saw familiar face down near the edge of the lake. He was wearing a blue tie and had messy brown hair. I walked closer and saw his brown eyes and remembered him from the Care of Magical Creatures class. I forgot all about him and didn't get back to him about hanging out.

He was looking out to the lake looking a bit disappointed until he noticed me and faced me. His face lit up and a smile crossed his face. 

"Hey, I thought you forgot about me." He said.

"I'm sorry but there was a lot of things going on and I did completly forget about you."

"It's ok but have you made up your mind?"

I quickly thought about it and answered, "Sure, I'm down for new friends."

We sat and got to know eachother a bit more before it was nearly 7 and I went up to wake Daphne and Izzy to get ready. The boy's name was Ryder Caddel and he had a very fun personality. 

I went up and changed into my white button up shirt and grey skirt before waking up Izzy so she could get ready since Daphne was already awake. I put my hair into a half up half down and curled the ends before applying some mascara and concealing my eyebags. I set the whole thing and put hair spray in before grabbing my robes and lip oil. I added a strawberry and rose body mist and headed down the corridor.

I arrived down to the great hall in time for breakfast to see Mattheo back with a cast and bandages on his neck and face.

"Heyy." I said happily as I sat down next to him.

"Hey, I somehow broke my wrist." He laughed and held up his arm.

I piled food onto my plate and ate it in a snap. We had about an hour till class started so Mattheo went with Draco to finish the last of his assignments while I went to the library with Daphne to plan the holidays since she was staying at mine and borrow and return our books.

The bell rang for the 10 minute mark and we picked up out things and went back to our dorms to get our books for class. Halfway to DADA, I forgot my wand in my dorm. Frustrated, I clenched my fist and began walking back. I walked two steps and suddenly, I teleported in my room. I looked around, confused. How could I apparate without my wand? I shook my head and looked for my wand when it flew to my hand. I looked at the wand in my hand with wide eyes. Accio? 

I headed to Lupins class wondering what the hell was going on. Despite being late, he didn't care and just told me to sit down. I went and sat next to Blaise, across from the others and focused on what Lupin was saying about the tests. After explaining it, he told us to get out our quills and papers flew to our desk. Me, having spent hours in the library, completed along with Daphne and he let us out.

We had two more day until the end of the school year so me and Daph went to choose our outfits for the next days so we can start packing early. I didn't pack that much since we were staying at my house but Daphne packed a whole lot and she wasn't even done. I didn't pack my make up since I had a seperate set at home, same with my skincare and most my clothes. I ended up packing a few books, shirts, jeans and hoodies. Again, I didn't pack my electronics like my laptop and charger and stuff like that since I had multiple at home.

I layed on my bed reading the last chapter of my book when Izzy came in and slammed the door.

 "What's got your pants in a twist?"

"Some girl was being a bitch towards her and her friends." Theo said on the other side of the door.

I heard Izzy curl into bed and start screaming. I went to her bed and pulled her covers off. She looked at me with anger in her eyes.

"Izzy, if someone is a bitch, you bitch back harder." She got up  and headed out the door. She grabbed Theo's hand and pulled him down the corridor.

"You, mate, need to teach me how to bitch."

"Watch your language! I can't have mum and dad hearing you say this at home or I'll get in trouble!" I yelled behind her before finishing my book

The two days went by and now we were on the Hogwarts Express heading towards Kings Cross. Our group all sat in one compartment and Izzy sat with her friends. She told me that they bitched back harder and now the girl avoids them.

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